Monday, October 20, 2008

The Prophet Noble Drew Ali-Re told you to expect the 4th and 5th generation.

In 711 A.D. 89 years after the Prophet Mustafa Muhammad Al Amin (PBUH) went into the higher life, the Moors (Ansaar) invaded Spain, by way of Gibraltor (a British crown colony on a peninsula on the south-central coast of Spain). The Moors by that time had developed a large empire which was located in Morocco.

The decisive battles of the Muslim conquest of North America were fought in the western part of Barbary (a region of northern Africa (Amexem) stretching from Egypt’s western border to the Atlantic Ocean), during 647-708 A.D. The raid into Morocco met little resistance, but led to only a partial and temporary submission. It was the expedition of Musa ibn Nusayr which in 710 A.D. made Morocco a Muslim country, dependent upon the Omayyad leader at Damascus.

Morocco a Muslim country, dependent upon the Omayyad leader at Damascus. This Muslim conquest was, however, not an Arab invasion, since relatively few Arabs settled in the country. But the new rulers behaved like tyrants, raising illegal taxes and reducing the Berbers to slavery. (Berbers are said to be nomads who dwelled in the country at that time).
In 711 A.D. the first of Musa’s Muslim army invaded Spain. In 740 A.D. in the name of the Muslim heresy, the Berber rose in a successful revolt against the Omayyad’s of Damascus. Morocco henceforth ceased to belong to an eastern Khalifat as did nearly the whole of the western Muslim world. Fez was founded in 808 A.D. by Idris II, which henceforth became a political and religious centre. Morocco a Muslim country, dependent upon the Omayyad leader at Damascus.
This Muslim conquest was, however, not an Arab invasion, since relatively few Arabs settled in the country. But the new rulers behaved like tyrants, raising illegal taxes and reducing the Berbers to slavery. (Berbers are said to be nomads who dwelled in the country at that time).

In 711 A.D. the first of Musa’s Muslim army invaded Spain. In 740 A.D. in the name of the Muslim heresy, the Berber rose in a successful revolt against the Omayyad’s of Damascus. Morocco henceforth ceased to belong to an eastern Khalifat as did nearly the whole of the western Muslim world. Fez was founded in 808 A.D. by Idris II, which henceforth became a political and religious centre.

Yusuf ibn Tashfin was the first Almoravid sultan to bring the whole of Morocco under his authority. He extended his African (Amexem) possessions as far as Algiers (the capital of Algeria), and having rescued the Muslim Amirs in Spain, whose position was endangered by the advance of the King of Castile. After the Christian recon quest in the 13th century the little kingdom of Granda a vassal Castile, was the only Muslim possession left in Spain. However, until the mid 14th century, the Marinids conducted a holy war (Jihad) in Andalusia (a region of Spain in the southwest bordered by the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea), where they helped the Nasrids of Granada to consolidate their position but did not recapture any territory from the Christian.

In Morocco, civilization assumed its classical aspects which were to last until the 20th century. Although the country was completely won over to peace and to Malikism (school of thought of the Malikes), the division of the land under maraboutic (a Muslim Holy man) leaders developed everywhere. Its population was mostly Arab. In the 15th Century, the Muslim empire was declining as Europe began to climb to power over parts of Asia and Africa. In the year of 1492 A.D. or about, was also the decline of the Moorish rule in Spain, and later the Moors would be slaves in a country that the Spanish would claim as theirs, (Columbus had yet to discover America).

Yusuf ibn Tashfin was the first Almoravid sultan to bring the whole of Morocco under his authority. He extended his African (Amexem) possessions as far as Algiers (the capital of Algeria), and having rescued the Muslim Amirs in Spain, whose position was endangered by the advance of the King of Castile. After the Christian recon quest in the 13th century the little kingdom of Granda a vassal Castile, was the only Muslim possession left in Spain.

However, until the mid 14th century, the Marinids conducted a holy war (Jihad) in Andalusia (a region of Spain in the southwest bordered by the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea), where they helped the Nasrids of Granada to consolidate their position but did not recapture any territory from the Christian. In Morocco, civilization assumed its classical aspects which were to last until the 20th century. Although the country was completely won over to peace and to Malikism (school of thought of the Malikes), the division of the land under maraboutic (a Muslim Holy man) leaders developed everywhere. Its population was mostly Arab. In the 15th Century, the Muslim empire was declining as Europe began to climb to power over parts of Asia and Africa. In the year of 1492 A.D. or about, was also the decline of the Moorish rule in Spain, and later the Moors would be slaves in a country that the Spanish would claim as theirs, (Columbus had yet to discover America).

The Moorish problems presented itself in the first place in a kingdom of Grands (Spain’s southeast corner). The catholic kings had to concentrate all their military resources and call on the enthusiastic support of their Castilian subjects to conquer the kingdom in a ling and arduous campaign, which ended with the capture of Granada in 1492 A.D... In this campaign, they developed the tactics, training and organization that made the Spanish infantry almost unbeatable for 150 years. The Moors were granted generous terms and religious freedom. They tried to convert the Moors by precept and education, and even introduced forced mass conversion. The Moors rebelled and after another defeat were given the choice of conversion or expulsion.

Thus, the purely local problem of the Moorish raids on the Spanish south coast became merged into the much more formidable, medieval Spain as the only multiracial and multi-religious country in Western Europe, and much of the development of Spanish civilization in religion, literature, art and architecture during the later middle Ages stemmed from this fact. Yet after many long battles in Spain the Moors, were finally defeated and exiled. This was due to a sneak attack on the Moors. The enemy army knowing that the Moors were Muslim staged an attack on a Friday afternoon knowing that the Moors would be in congregation in the Masjid for the Juma Khutbah.

The Idrisids were the earliest Islamic ruling dynasty of southern morocco and Mauritania, who came into morocco before the invasion by the Dogon Malians and the Senegalese in 1727 A.D. The Dogon Tribe OF Mali produce many early sailors, such as Mansa Khan Khan who sailed over to these shores in search of his half brother Abubakari, same Father, different Mother, who dropped Islam and sailed here to America in 1311 A.D., and mixed with the Washitaw Olmecs, originally from Nuwba, before they tied the vines. The Olmecs were already here, from Nuwba, of southern sudan which includes Ethiopia (originally called Aksum(Axum), known as Nuwbuns, The Original Nine Ether Woolly Haired Beings, Nuba is said to mean Gold

Which refers to Genesis 2:12 where it say “The Gold of That Land is Good this south and central Amexem. They came here before the Continental Drift, by coming from the Ancient Mitsrayim language of ashuric branch of the cushite language, which can be found in Arabic as Atlan, fro the root Atla, meaning “To vacate, vacation, or Travel to Another Place”.

By the year of 1763 A.D. the Europeans were gaining the upper hand in the battles between them and the Moors. The territories of Northwest Africa, which they conquered, became colonies under the British Empire. The Moors were loosing the battles to the enemies, and 1774 A.D. found a large percentage of the Moorish Nation defeated and conquered. Once captured the Moors were brought to North America and put into what was called slavery (oppression). They were given degrading names like Negro, Black or Colored Ethiopians, Coons, Darkie and Shine and now African-Americans. All of which have no connection with civilization, and according to the Europeans, the Moors were never again to rise as a nation of proud people. Just like the slaves of the 1400’s and the 1600’s, the Moors were bound and chained and sold to the plantation for use in cotton and tobacco fields, or any other type of work that required man power.

Canaan had 11 sons. The first one we are taught of his sons in Sidon or Zidon. Sidon was called Phoenicia, by the Greeks. Sidonites are known today as Lebanese and Sicilian (Southern Italians) Sidon is Canaan eldest son; His name means “Fortified.” Sidon’s wives name was Samaat and Ginna.
The second son of Libana is Heth, meaning “Terrible” and his wives names were Wilaat and Sybele. He was also considered “The Father Of The Hittites”, and was a very popular son.

The story goes; the land of Asia Minor Or Anatolia (Modern Turkey) plays an important role in the development of the Western Civilization or the paleman’s civilization. The Hittites dwelt here in Turkey and constructed a Powerful Empire. The neighboring people were Amorites, Girgashites, Arvadites, Sidonians, Hamathites, and other Canaanite Descendants or sub-tribes: Hellenic, Macedonians, Athenians, Spartans or Laconians, Samaritans, Goth, Celts, Illyrians, Vandals, Magyars, Normans, Danes and Lombards. The neighboring tribes of Canaanite Decent, called themselves Phrygians and Lydians conquered and overthrew the Hittite Empire.

The third son of Libana (Canaan) was Jebus, and his wife’s name was Salima. The word Jebus means “Dryness”. The Jebusites first ruled the (Hurrian Tribe) the Hivites, they joined together during the Jebusite Reign. According to the Bible the Jebusite inhabited Jerusalem, then displaced by the incoming Israelites, who were leaving Egypt. Noble Drew Ali-Re taught that this took place during the year 1000 B.C.E. Today they are called “Jews,” Occupying Jerusalem and living in America, Germany, Poland, Hungry, Romania, Australia, Bulgaria, and Yugoslavia.

Noble drew Ali-Re taught that the fourth son’s name was Amorite. Amorite means “Mountain Dweller” and his wives name were Qiynat and Dina. This son has intermingled with the rest of the seven younger brothers; the Hurrians (Hivites) mixed their seed with the people of Mesopotamia, Anatolian Syria and Palestine, who were there brothers.

Today they are known as Edomites, Japanese, and some Chinese and Black Indonesians. Noble drew Ali-Re taught that from the “Amorite” later came sub-Tribes, which call themselves Indo-Aryan, Iranian, and Kassite: From the Indo-Aryan group we get the French, Germans, Spanish, English, Dutch, East Indians, Etc. he taught that Sargon (Nimrod) Empire brought Amorites into the land of Shinar.

Noble drew Ali-Re taught of Girgashite which means “Rough” this was his Fifth son. And his wives names were Betha and Qamar. This tribe mixed their seed with

Hivite was the Sixth Son of Labana (Canaan). His wives Name were Mayya and Zaynab. The tribal name was Hivites and Hurrians. They lived in Palestine, where the Hivites settled in a city called Edom. From this city, the Hivites mixed with Esau (Son of Issac) through his wife Aholiba’mah. She had three sons named Karoh, Japhlam and Jeush, these are your Europeans, Koreans and Mongols

Arkite was the seventh son of Libana (Canaan) and his wives were Nayyat and Amma. They basically migrated to a town of Arga northwest of Tripoli in Syris. Their history is basically lost and they mixed their seed with the Amorites and Lydians. They are known today as British, Australian, Irish and American.

The Eight son of Canaan was Sinite, which means “Yearly.” His wives names were Yabanat and Zillah. They mixed their seed with other Canaanite Tribes. They were located in Lebanon (Mount Sion). They are presently known as Dutch people.

The Ninth son is Arvadites. This name means “To Diverse”; His wives names were Debra and Sadaw> The Arvadites migrated to Northern Syria where they became great sailors warriors, and military soldiers. They intermingled with invading tribes such as the Amorite and other Canaanite tribes. Eventually, they dispersed and mixed with the Greeks, Romans and Phoenicians. They are today known as Northern Italians.

Zemerite was the tenth son his name means “Counsel” his wives was Marilyn and Sakiyna. The Zemerite migrated to the city of Syria in Lebanon and to Sumra. They too mixed their seed with the Amorite and are known as Scottish People.

The last son Noble drew Ali-Re taught us of was Hamathite Tribe. Hamathite means “The Darkest”; his wives were Gwin and Bada’a. They migrated into the city of Hammeth Syria. They mixed their seed with the Amorite Kingdom during the 1370’s as well as the Hittites.
However the followers of the Noble Drew Ali-Re began abandoning Newark’s Canaanite Temple, thinking they knew, what was destined to be reveled, looking for this man of wisdom who would bring to them the a Arabic dialect. Little did they know to remember, that this Atum-Re would come latter to the 4th and 5th generations’s, Moors left the temple and sought the Masjid. You see Noble Drew Ali-Re built for the people a Temple not a Masjid, he was sent to give us Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding of this political structure and to free us from mental slavery, the Masjid is a place of Muslim worship and prayer.

Noble drew Ali-Re, as a result of the mass desertion and made a prediction concerning the future of the stranger who built the Masjid. This prediction came true; the language teacher was soon arrested in New York City in 1926 A.D. for bootlegging and impersonation, my Grand Sheikh C. Moses-EL taught me this person was ABDUL WALI FARRAD MUHAMMAD ALI. Our first duty is to inmate the Author, Noble Drew Ali-Re, the Prophet.

Noble Drew Ali-Re dismantled his Canaanite Temple and traveled west rebuilding his following. He finally settled in Chicago Illinois, making this his official headquarters. After gaining members in Chicago, Noble Drew Ali-Re told them that on Friday December 18, 1925 A.D., a star and crescent would appear in the sky. This, he told them would be a sign from the Eloheem to man that The Maxims OF Truth the will come from the east and was distained to rise in the west; and he who would bring in the sun cycle, would be the one to restore peace to it’s pristine purity for Truth is the only thing that changes not, and you are not a Negro, Black or Colored Ethiopian, you are what your forefathers were, beyond doubt or contradiction, unless man has the power that extends beyond the forces of nature.

The Prophetic night of December 18, 1925 On the evening of December 18, 1925 the citizens of Chicago , viewed a glorious event in the sky. The following is excerpted from the Chicago Daily Tribune from an article entitled “The Crescent and Star”. Author: Shelby Maxwell.

“The symbol of Islam hung low in the western sky last night at sunset. The moon and the planet Venus were as in conjunction, with Venus following the horns of the crescent. The figure of the crescent and the star is one of the most beautiful sights of the heavens and its rather rare. It was much admired ages before Mohammed adopted it as his symbol. This conjunction was a bright one, as Venus is now nearing the earth. From the astronomers viewpoint the event furnished an excellent chance to compare the brilliancy of the earth’s two nearest celestial neighbors. The moon is our satellite, while Venus is the earth’s twin world. The moon is a dead and frozen little globe, while Venus pulses with life like the earth.”

Using computer based simulation programs I am able to recreate precisely what the Moors of Chicago saw on this special night.

The above graphic shows where stars and planets where at along the western horizon of Chicago on December 18, 1925 at 11pm (planets not actual sizes). As you can see the planet Venus, and the moon are very close to each other and are moving westward along the lower southwestern horizon.

The above chart from a moon based graphic program shows exactly what phase the moon was in on this night. As you can see the cusp of the moon was crescent shaped.

This graphic created by me is my impression of what the moon and Venus looked like on the night of December 18, 1925 as they moved along the western horizon.

As per the newspaper article, the Moors of Chicago interpreted this celestial event as a sign from Ya’huwa that the distinctive doctrine of Islam would arise in the West with the arrival of the Egiptian Moor that would signify the destruction of the European civilization. Ya’huwa, sent to the Moors that The Maxims OF Truth that was prophesied to rise in the west; and he who would bring in the sun cycle.He would be the one to set the record straight and restore peace to it’s pristine purity for Truth is the only thing that changes not, and you are not a Negro, Black or Colored Ethiopian, you are a Moor ish of Atlan

Noble Drew Ali-Re was not a religious man and he told the EL’s and Bey’s that their religion is Islamism not Islam. The difference is Islam means peace, the same as Shalom means peace. This is one of the principles brought by Noble Drew Ali-Re i.e. Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice. Ism means distinctive doctrine, so the distinctive doctrine of peace is Love. Love is Huwa, and it was Melchelizek that taught Abraham of Huwa, which is the old time religion called Nuwaubu.

Noble Drew Ali-Re desired that his people know THE MAXIMS OF TRUTH, and their royal lineage, and the right time in revealing their national origin. They must know from where they came and refuse to be called by corporate fictions i.e. Negros, Black, and Colored Ethiopians ect.. They must hence forth call themselves Moors and he expressed to them “these are your general laws”, your supreme laws will be handed you later.

So he establishing of the MOORISH HOLY TEMPLE OF SCIENCE in 1913 A.D, so that he could reveal the truth of Creative Fate (Creative force of will) and the Seven Creative spirits. Noble Drew Ali-Re taught of Ethers and of El Eloh who is the source and that their is another group called the Eloheem meaning the sources or these beings, he taught that the Muhammadeans grafted Allah from El Eloh which is singular and grafted Allahumma from Eloheem which is plural . He taught that the Etherians was beings of pure energy (Crystal Light Energy). Who stayed on board the ships.

Some Moorish-Americans may wonder about the Prophet Noble Drew Ali-Re belief in ships. Well I Grand Sheikh Andre’ Coleman-EL now to be acknowledge as Atun Pedi Neheh or simply Atun-Re of the Ancient Egiptian Oder, would like to point out this fact.

In the Circle Seven Chapter XVIII we find the following. In the circle seven chapter 18:2
In 2degree we find Jesus’ Body was in a tomb, with a big stone in front of the door, and a Roman Seal was placed on that, and to break this seal meant death, the Jewish soldiers were all sworn to faithfulness; and then the watch began.

In the Circle Seven Chapter XVIII we find the following.

In 2degree we find Jesus’ Body was in a tomb, with a big stone in front of the door, and a Roman Seal was placed on that, and to break this seal meant death, the Jewish soldiers were all sworn to faithfulness; and then the watch began.

In the 7degree we read at midnight all was well, but suddenly the tomb became a blaze of light, and down the garden a troop of white clad soldier marched in single file. They came up to the tomb and countermarched before the door. The Jewish Soldiers were alert;

In the 7degree we read at midnight all was well, but suddenly the tomb became a blaze of light, and down the garden a troop of white clad soldier marched in single file. They came up to the tomb and countermarched before the door. The Jewish Soldiers were alert;

Now in the 31degree we read, Again, all this was before the sun arose, the heavens blazed with light; a distant thunder seeded to herald forth a coming storm. And then the EARTH BEGAN TO QUAKE AND IN THE RAYS OF LIGHT THEY SAW A FORM DESCEND FROM HEAVEN. They say: “Behold, an angel comes.”

Now in the 31degree we read, Again, all this was before the sun arose, the heavens blazed with light; a distant thunder seeded to herald forth a coming storm. And then the EARTH BEGAN TO QUAKE AND IN THE RAYS OF LIGHT THEY SAW A FORM DESCEND FROM HEAVEN. (EARTH BEGAN TO QUAKE AND IN THE RAYS OF LIGHT THEY SAW A FORM DESCEND FROM HEAVEN) They say: “Behold, an angel comes.”

Prophet Noble Drew Ali-Re taught that the Etherians are the providers and they Police the Universe in respect, far as being responsible for lining things. These Etherians are the IGIGI and they are above the good or bad complex, their concern is to maintain the universe and to prevent a star holocaust. They personify to whomever, and their assignment is the guardians of life which ANU, ELYOWN ELYOWN EL is a Prominent Member sent forth. The Prophet Noble Drew Ali also called them Spirit-Man.

There also was the DINNEER! The ancient Cuneiform word. ‘Dinneer” means “THE RIGHTEOUS ONES OF THE ROCKETSHIP.” There are your 24 Elders, who send down energy to the Anunnaqi.

Then you have the Anunnaqi, Eloheem, Allahummas, Umarway, Ginwins, Shushukiy, these being are mention throughout the scriptures but the Anunnaqi are Nubians with 9ETHER hair, dark reddish olive brown skin dark brown eyes. Prophet Noble Drew Ali-Re was fully aware of ships that fly.

Due to the experience in the Canaanite Temple, Prophet Noble Drew Ali-Re wrote a message to all Members, which said Dear readers do not falsely use these lessons. They are for the good, peace and happiness for all those that love Y’ashua . He said Dear mothers; teach these lessons to your little ones that they may learn to love instead of hate. Dear fathers, by these lessons you can set your house in order and your children will learn to love instead of hate.

So the Prophet Noble Drew Ali-Re established Temples around U.S.A. and told Moors that he did not come to put NEW WINE in old vessels because he said that it will bust them, the New Wine that he taught about, that the Moor’s was Drinking in the Masjids, was The Dyin Islam of the Muhammadeans Religion.

Prophet Noble Drew Ali-Re stated that he was a Servant just as all Prophets before him and that he brought the same remedy as did Prophets before him, that being Truth, as taught to your father Abraham. It is he that named you Muslims refer to (Koran 22:78).

Noble Drew Ali-Re, stated that he brought the eighteen missing years of the Bible because he knew that the 5 Books of Moses contained the basic tenements or laws called Millatu Ibrahim, the religion of Abraham. These laws are incumbent upon us, as the Messiah Jesus told his followers. He followed Millatu Ibrahim , so did all the other Prophet’s of ALLAH (Amen), Boaz by Ruth, Jesse, King David, Solomon, Hezekiah and Joseph by Mary. Noble Drew Ali knew that the stranger would bring the Orthodox and that was counter by, the –Ism, brought by the Prophet Noble Drew Ali.

Its Abraham laws that the Prophet Noble Drew Ali-Re taught the Moors to follow and not the Sunnah (Triditions) of what some of you think Moorish Science to be. As Moorish Americans the fact of the matter, is that, we are Egiptian Nubian Hebraic Moors the Faithful Ansaaru followers of the laws of our Father Abraham, and by doing this we are also followers of Prophet Muhammad, because he followed the laws of Abraham, in the same light, we also follow the Messiah Jesus, who told us to observe the law intact. Remember the Messiah Jesus said I come to fulfill the law, not to change or destroy the law.

So the law as it was, the Prophet Noble Drew Ali-Re knew it was must have been what (Amen) prescribed for man. The Prophet told the Moors that asked about the stranger’s way of life, he stated you want to follow the long journey on a short path the same way that Abraham did to establish Millatu Ibrahim.

The Prophet Noble Drew Ali-Re stated that he was a Servant just as all Prophets before him and that he brought the same remedy as the Prophets before him. That being, Millatu Ibrahiym, the example of your father, Abraham. Remember It is he that named you Moslims refer to (Koran 22:78) and the MOORISH AMERICAN PRAYER (Amen).

ACT#4 of the Moorish Constitution
Ques: Are you saying that Noble Drew Ali-Re knew Amun existed before the Hebrew god YHWH or ALLAH?

Ans: Yes That is why it is in parentheses The Supreme Being Amen existed thousands of years in ancient Egipt before the creation of the Hebrew god YHWH ( ). As Revelation 3:14 states, Amen was there to witness the creation of the Eloheem and the Eloheem ( ) according to Genesis 1:1, 1:26, was there to witness the creation of a man – Adam ( ).

ACT#7 of the Moorish Constitution
The Hebrew uses the name Amun aw-man’ for “faithful” just like the Arabic uses amiyn for “faithful”, but this word with the definite article THE AMEN is from the Egiptian supreme being, “one of the god-head trinity” Amun-Ra, or Re, with Atum-Ra, or “Re” and Atun-Ra or “Re” for the three motions involvements of the most high Egiptian supreme being “Re”.

Morning (Dabar “Wisdom”) noon (Oz “Strength”), and night (Gomer “Beauty”) which comes out in a symbolic way to equivalent G.O.D from three Hebrew words Gomer ( ), Oz ( ) and Dabar ( ). The original Egyptian trinity of life the all eye seeing, thousand points of light. The source of light and life in this world or John 1, and the “life was the light of men”, symbolic of the light of the sun manifesting on earth to sustain life, linked to John 1 verse 14, “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,” (And the Word < logos> was made flesh and dwelt among us ,…)
which relates to the prophecy of Malachi 4:2, the last book of the Old Testament before the light as the logos ( ) is manifested in the flesh as Yashu’a Ha-Mashiakh , translated as “Jesus The Anointed”.

In Malachi 4:2 you find the word “Sun” shemesh in Hebrew is used as “But unto you that fear thy name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings” (But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings ) This is Egiptian symbol of the sun disk with wings

The Greek word as found the new testament for Zodok tsedeq “justice, rightness, righteousness” Matthew 5:6 “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled” (Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness : for they shall be filled .) and the Greek word for righteousness is dis-ah-yos-oo’-nay meaning “equity (of character or act); specially (Christian) justification:--righteousness” from the root dik-ah-yos meaning “innocent, holy ( absolutely or relatively):--just, meet, right (eous).”

So when he speaks about God in Genesis 4:26 as “And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the LORD” (And to Seth , to him also there was born a son ; and he called his name Enos <'Enowsh>: then began men to call upon the name of the LORD ,) this god is none other than Yahweh of the Eloheem, one of the Eloheem, which is confirmed in Joshua 22: 22 where Yahweh is mentioned as an EL of the Eloheem , and it reads “The LORD God of gods, the LORD God of gods, he knoweth,” (The LORD God <'el> of gods <'elohiym>, the LORD God <'el> of gods <'elohiym>, he knoweth ,). Therefore when Abraham in Genesis 12:8 “…called upon the name of the LORD” (…called upon the name of the LORD ) he is making reference to the Hebrew God who was created according to Revelation 3:14, confirming the fact that the Egiptian supreme Amun existed thousands of years before the Hebrew God. And make note that the Greek word for God Thehos ( ) is equivalent to Eloheem ( ) “GOD” and Kurios ( ) is equivalent to Yahweh ( ) “Lord”.
Yet we are Ishma’iylites, from the descendancy of Abraham MQ#27, through his first son Ishmael and yet even though Noble Drew Ali didn’t get the chance to teach you Moorish Americans this fact, he stated that, what he brought you where your general laws, and that your supreme laws, will be handed to you later. But he stired, the people in the right direction.

Noble Drew Ali-Re taught use that, through our free National Name (Moorish Science Temple) ,we will be known, and recognized by all nations of the earth , that are recognized by said national government, in which they live.

The Prophet Noble Drew Ali-Re extended this message to the Moors in the MOORISH HOLY TEMPLE OF SCIENCE that a change is to be made, and the establishment of the MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLE OF AMERICA there were Moors concerned with this direction because they were under the impression that America gave them Iron Hand of oppression, the Prophet Noble Drew Ali-Re stated “ If any of you have doubt in the Prophet, turn in your circle seven, Moorish litature cease wearing your Fez and Turban and return back to the state the I found you”. When you were found you were under the 14th Amendment, in the cares of the world.
Moorish Questionair #36 What does Jesus mean? Jesus means Justice. The Prophet asks a question in the Moorish Questionair (#46 “What did Jesus say that will make you free? The Answer (Ansaar) is TRUTH. #47 What is TRUTH ? Truth is Aught? #48What is Aught? Aught is Ya’Huwa. #49 Can TRUTH change? TRUTH cannot change, or pass away.) You Moors, that are seeking answers about what to do, how to do, should I do, can I do, and who should I ask. You are what we call your hope scopes, because if they listen to the Prophet they will do as he instructed them to do. Imitate Him.
In 1912 the Prophet Noble Drew Ali-Re appeared in Washington DC, the nation’s capital and asked President Woodrow Wilson for his people and the return of our flag that was chopped down by General George Washington in 1776 which he retrieved from the storage room.
Refer to MQ#1 Who made you? EL Eloh. Refer to MQ#7 What is the duty of a Prophet? To save nations from the wrath of EL Eloh. (repeat.)Refer to MQ#6 What is a Prophet? The thought of EL Eloh manifested in flesh. The prophet asked why didn’t the government record the Asiatic’s as Moors on official record, why did you label them as Negro, Blacks, Colored Ethiopians, Afro Americans and African’s?
Woodrow Wilson’s reply was, that we knew nothing of our birth rites, and that it would not be in the interest, of the American people to wake us up to the truth about Yourselves, for we deal in capital and we have a capital in every state and we will capitalize on every birth. Refer to Circle Seven Chapters 47:17. The Prophet asked for the right to teach us the truth about ourselves and Divine creed. Mr. Wilson told the prophet we would not accept him because we would not accept our own. To prove his point, he told the prophet to get 5000 to follow him. (This we must remember is a verbal contract.)
Refer to MQ#5 Who is Noble Drew Ali-Re? He is Allah’s Prophet. If you notice under the Moorish American prayer, you will see three circles. If you place the three circles after the number 5 it equals 5000. Then Woodrow Wilson reduced the number to 50.
Refer to MQ#50. What other name do we give truth? Holy Breath. The Prophet went out and sounded the trumpet and began to teach the everlasting gospel to the lost tribe of Israel. 10,000 answered the call. Refer to MQ#21 How old is our flag? 10,000 years old.
This all happened in 1912. 19 and 12 as whole numbers. Refer to MQ#19. What kind of Flag is the Moors? A red flag with a five pointed green star in the center.
Refer to MQ#12. What is Noble Drew Ali’s nationality? Moorish-American. With this, the Prophet was given authorization to teach the old time religion of Islam and return our nationality to us. After this meeting, and receiving authority, and the first to know was one, a tiller of the soil, a generous soul, a seeker of the truth, who loved the words that the Prophet Drew Ali spoke and Jesus went with him and in his home abode. I was raised to know, your home is where your heart is.
Refer To MQ#4. Where is the nearest place we can meet him? In the heart. This true tiller was . The Prophet reincarnated in the 12th degree of the 47th chapter. These holy and divine laws are from the Prophet, Noble Drew Ali, the founder of the uniting of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc.
Refer to MQ#5. Who is Noble Drew Ali? He is Allah’s Prophet. Refer to MQ#8 Who is the founder of the Moorish Science Temple of America? Noble Drew Ali, the father.
Circle Seven Chapter 47:12 Who is the founder of the uniting of the Moorish Science Temple of America? The adopted Son, . you see the Moorish Science Temples across North America needed to be maintained, thus the uniting of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. An understanding of this can be found in the Circle Seven chapter 23:3. Being Noble Drew Ali’s adopted son/daughter they being taught these maxims of truth 24/7 as in the Moorish questionnaire numbers 24 and 7.
Refer to MQ#24. Who was Jesus? He was a prophet of Allah. Refer to MQ#7. What is the duty of a prophet? To save nations, from the wrath of Allah.
In Detroit, Michigan, he was there when the prophet made the statement to the Moors, “I brought you everything it takes to save a Nation. Now take it and save yourself.” It is taught that a grand sheik is like a father of a family and he must live the life of love and be loved as the prophet is loved. I am sure with the responsibility that he had in traveling with Noble Drew Ali-Re as a Grand Sheik; he was loved as the prophet was loved. All the Moors would know that he was receiving adapt degrees and was being molded for something greater than even he could imagine.
Again, the prophet made the statement, “I am signed up to go a certain way with the government and I am going to go that way.” This is plain talk to let us know that we must follow a certain process in a certain system. The prophet’s chauffer spoke to him going to meetings, receiving holy instructions and leaving meetings receiving holy instructions. He was the first to be with the prophet during his good and bad times. Prophet stated the Negro problem is being solved only as it can. That is by the Moorish National Divine Movement.
Refer to MQ#15. For what purpose was the Moorish Science Temple of America founded? For the uplifting of fallen humanity. Additional by-law Act 5. In part: out from our Sunday school come the guiders of the nation. By this time, we should be ready to solve the Negro problem.
Circle Seven chapter 47:14, This is the law that was to be demonstrated upon a branch temple’s maturity in the principles of love, truth, peace, freedom and justice. In 1942, the selective service system made a ruling that the Moorish people were Negro, black, colored, and Ethiopian. There was a need to confer with General Hershey because he was a Jesus Christ that worked to stay in line with his obligations.
As stated in president Abraham Lincoln’s January 1863 proclamation whereby declaring all persons held as slaves are forever free and the executive government of the united states including the military and the naval authority thereof will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons and will do no act or act to oppress such persons or any of them in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.
This actual freedom would become fruition through Richardson and Timothy Dingel-EL – Prophet Drew Ali during the periods of 1930-1940.
Refer to MQ#19 What kind of flag is the Moorish? It is a red flag with a five pointed green star in its center.
Refer to MQ#30 What was the nationality of Ruth? She was Moabites.
These keys had to be remembered in the hearts of Moors because there were many internal wars. This would end in 1940.
Refer to MQ#40 What is our Prophet to us? He is an angle of Ya’huwa sent to bring us the everlasting gospel of Huwa.
This is the year that Richardson Dingel-EL was approved to carry out the system of having all Moorish Americans records changed.
Refer to MQ#41What is the everlasting gospel? It is a saving power that comes from Allah through our ancient fathers by his Prophet.
This system being the National Moorish Bureau of Vital Statistics, whose purpose is to removed deluded names off of documents issued to members of the Moorish Science Temple inc. by the authorities of the state, states and nation. In a letter sent to Timothy Dingel- EL business manager from the National headquarters selective service system dated October 10, 1952. The national headquarters said that they will depend upon the Moorish Nation Bureau of Vital statistics calling individual cases to their attention.

Moorish Daniel 10:21, Mattew 2:13, John 8:32-45, St Mark 11:18. TRUTH is a Doctrine, and this Doctrine has been Taught to Abraham by Melchizeeck . The word MOOR derived from the Latin word MAURI which is used by the Romans to describe the inhabitants of the territory comprising the western portion of modern Algeria and the northwestern.

Moors know little about Confucious During the tang Dynasty, it was said “Confucious is to the Chinese what water is to fishes”. He believed that perfection is the beginning and end of all creatures and without this perfection there would be no creatures and no things. In order for on to achieve this perfection one must purify his heart, think rightly and learn he can learn by knowing the truth. The truth in turn can purify the heart and make one think right. The Prophet Ya’shua said “Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth set you free”. Until recently Confucious-ism was the state religion of China. In spite of current governmental policies, it still commands the devotion of millions of China’s inhabitants.

Prophet Noble drew Ali-Re taught that Confucius was born approximately in the year 551 B.C. He was a great Chinese sage kungfu-tzu literalized as CONFUCIUS. His father came from an aristocratic family. Although his father died at and early age, Confucious was well educated. He mastered the teachings of earlier ages whose influence had made China a wise nation. For centuries Chinese looked upon all foreigners as illiterate and barbarous. They disdained to learn anything from outsiders. The pattern of Chinese society had been based upon dictatorship, ruled by a hereditary emperor with the help of officials higher the position, the more extensive the examination. China’s history of dynasties and emperors were continuously overthrown. China increased in corruption and disorder. Officals who controlled the country, shared the corrupt values of their predecessors.

Prophet Noble Drew Ali-Re Taught that Confucius brought the foundations of a new (ANU) system. His thinking has since date probly affected more Chinese (EDOMITES) over the centuries than any other. After becoming an appointed official of the Lu government, Confucius became known as a man of honesty and integrity. He, however, remained in the services of Lu for only a short time because of monarchal pressures. He travelled throughout China in search of a prince who would accept his services of organizing a just and honest government.

Living during a turbulent dynasty (now Chou dynasty), Confucius hoped to restore stability to China by the people returning to the ways of the past. He emphasized he emphasized particularly the virtues of devotion to people and government, for parents, reverence for learning and the respect of one another. Through these principles the Chinese (EDOMITES) could cling onto and rebuild their lives. Confucius was a humanist, primarly interested in how his people the Edomites might live together. He posed the nation as being a family; the emperor to be regarded as the father, and the subjects as his children. He asserted that his people would be able to function cohesively in a religion:


0. Cipher 5. Power-Refinement
1. Right-Knowledge 6. Equality
2. Right-Wisdom 7. Eloheem
3. Right-Overstanding 8. Build-Destroy
4. Culture-Freedom 9. Born


0. Cipher 5. Power-Refinement
1. Right-Knowledge 6. Equality
2. Right-Wisdom 7. Eloheem
3. Right-Overstanding 8. Build-Destroy
4. Culture-Freedom 9. Born

0. Cipher- Is 360 degrees. 120 degrees of Wisdom, 120 degrees of Will, 120 degrees of will.

1. Right-Knowledge- Is the Olive Hue. The Moor who is the sun, just as the sun is the foundation of the solar system; the Moors are the foundation of the human family. Knowledge is to “Know the Ledge”, so you won’t fall off Edge serving the Gods of the pale skin nations of Europe.

2. Right-Wisdom- Is the Holy Breath being spoken by the Moors. Wisdom is higher-self which is the Mother of virtues and harmonies of life and breeds justice mercy love and right. Right Wisdom is the fruition of ones Right Knowledge.

3. Overstanding- Is the best part of life. It is a clear picture being drawn up in one’s mind through Right Knowledge and Right Wisdom.

4. Culture-Freedom- Culture is the true way of life of all Moslems, that being Islam-ism. (I-Self-Lord-Anu-Master-I-self-master). Freedom is to free your self from mental slavery and the 14th and 15th Amendment and come into a state of know thy self, so that you can see that you are and angel clothed in flesh and Eloheem.

5. Power-Refinement- Power is the Holy Breath which is the truth the true light that brings afro-Americans, blacks, colored, out of cares of the world into to their true way of life, Islam-ism the distinctive doctrine of Islam, that being Nuwaupu.

6. Equality- Is to be equal in all things. To be like one of us Eloheem , to know higher-self 180 degrees of aught and lower-self 180 degrees of Naught. When a Moor share Right knowledge through Right wisdom and brings forth overstanding Moorish Science is a fact it only shows a proves equality.

7. Eloheem- Is the Olive Moor who has power to build or destroy. God is a name that the devil calls himself, the black man is and adjective, who is property breed in hell. Eloheem are the seven creative spirits that created everything that was, is and evermore to be.

8. Build-Destroy- Build is to add on or to elevate on positivity. Destroy is to take away negativity. Build a clean and pure Nation as Egipt of the West. And destroy the devil 14th and 15th amendment civilization.

9. Born- is to be brought into existence physically, as well as, mentally. Physically through Higher-self the mother’s womb, and mentally through Ya’Huwah’s Prophet Noble Drew Ali-Re and those of the royal family of The Ancient Mystic Order Of Malachi Zodoq and a.eo mir#9



Holy Instruction from A-Z

A-Amen, the Faithful and True witness to the beginning of the creation of God. Allah is the mental and physical composition in which we as Moslems exist upon the plane of things made manifest. The Holy Breath cannot be seen with mortal eyes; nor can man see the spirit of the Holy One. But in their image man was made, and he who looks into the face of man, looks at the image of ALLAH who speaks within.

a-amen, the Faithful and True witness to the beginning of the creation of God. Allah is the mental and physical composition in which we as Moslems exist upon the plane of things made manifest. The Holy Breath cannot be seen with mortal eyes; nor can man see the spirit of the Holy One. But in their image man was made, and he who looks into the face of man, looks at the image of ALLAH who speaks within.

B- BEY is the Governor of the Law. Be means to exist. Born means to know thy self, Born to know the Truth of self.

B- BEY is the Governor of the Law. Be means to exist. Born means to know thy self, Born to know the Truth of self.

C- See are not thine eyes the tools that watch out for thee yet how often are they unable to distinguish truth from falsehood. (Copy) is our Authority 1099 Form

C- See are not thine eyes the tools that watch out for thee yet how often are they unable to distinguish truth from falsehood. (Copy) is our Authority 1099 Form

D- Divine is the Holy Laws brought to us by our Prophet. Drew is the past tense of Draw. The Holy Breath, Drew, Timothy out from a low plane to and exalted plane.

D- Divine is the Holy Laws brought to us by our Prophet. Drew is the past tense of Draw. The Holy Breath, Drew, Timothy out from a low plane to and exalted plane.

E- EL means Law-giver, royal pure, rich. Eloheem are the Neteru that Professor Drew the Egyptian Adept met in Egypt. Ether is the Etherians or Riqzian in there gases state.

E- EL means Law-giver, royal pure, rich. Eloheem are the Neteru that Professor Drew the Egyptian Adept met in Egypt. Ether is the Etherians or Riqzian in there gases state.

F-Father- Is one who imitates the Prophet of Allah, and further one in Right Knowledge.

f-Father- Is one who imitates the Prophet of Allah, and further one in Right Knowledge.

G- Government Ordinance Department.

g- government Ordinance Department.

H- Ish means He, Ishaw means Her.

H- Ish means He, Ishaw means Her.

I- Ism-IAm That I Am, beyond doubt or contridction what my fore-Father’s and Mothers were unless there is a man that has the power that extends beyond the forces the universe. Ism is the distinctive doctrine, I was born to know. To know Truth, in flesh, to demonstrate facts to regain the divine creed of my forefathers known as Nuwaubu. Ism I Self Master.

I- Ism-Am That I Am, beyond doubt or contridction what my fore- father’s and Mothers were unless there is a man that has the power that extends beyond the forces the universe. Ism is the distinctive doctrine I was born to know. To know Truth in flesh, to demonstrate facts to regain the divine creed of my forefathers known as Nuwaubu. Ism I Self Master.

J- Jesus means Justice. Yashua is not Jesus. The letter J was not entered into the ALPHA BET ORDER until 1555.

J- Jesus means Justice. Yashua is not Jesus. The letter J was not entered into the ALPHA BET ORDER until 1555.

K- Kingu the spell of sleep, Kween is his male lover.

K- Kingu the spell of sleep, Kween is his male lover.

L- Love Is the highest elevation of understanding from the finite, overstanding is infinite the Adept teachings of Moorish Science, as taught Egipt. From 7 to 9. Law is that which was brought by our Prophet Noble Drew Ali and through his teachings you come out right.

L- Love Is the highest elevation of understanding from the finite, overstanding is infinite the Adept teachings of Moorish Science, as taught Egipt. From 7 to 9. Law is that which was brought by our Prophet Noble Drew Ali and through his teachings you come out right.

M- Master means to know all things in your circumference. Moors are the beings that Personified from there gases state into the physical state as Angel’s.

M- Master means to know all things in your circumference. Moors are the beings that Personified from there gases state into the physical state as Angel’s.

N- Now is the time for us to come together and build a strong clean and pure nation And put the pale skin nation of Eu-rope civilization to end.

N- Now is the time for us to come together and build a strong clean and pure nation And put the pale skin nation of Eu-rope civilization to end.

O-Cipher because cipher means C-I-POWER-HER, and surely and Eloheem powers her by teaching her the maxims of truth, her powers you must see in order to know Her equality. Cipher means to be complete in ones self. Cipher- I’s any place or Human or thing complete within it self. Higher self .

O-Cipher because cipher means C-I-POWER-HER, and surely and Eloheem powers her by teaching her the maxims of truth, her powers you must see in order to know Her equality. Cipher means to be complete in ones self. Cipher- I’s any place or Human or thing complete within it self. Higher self.

P- Power is truth, truth is proof, proof is that which changes not, seeing is knowing hear is believing reading is believing.

P- Power is truth, truth is proof, proof is that which changes not, seeing is knowing hear is believing reading is believing.

Q- Question means to search for truth, one must question by testing spirits of truth in order to find to obtain facts.

q- Question means to search for truth, one must question by testing spirits of truth in order to find to obtain facts.

R- Reason means bring about a clear picture in one mind through truth and facts. Ruler is the 24 inch gage that one uses to maintain the rule in ones life by 8.

R- Reason means bring about a clear picture in one mind through truth and facts. Ruler is the 24 inch gage that one uses to maintain the rule in ones life by 8.

S- Self is the elf in you, that causes you to reason to know thy self through Moorish Science. Savior is you, take these lessons and save your self, is what the savior said when he came to you in 1913.

s- self is the elf in you, that causes you to reason to know thy self through Moorish Science. Savior is you, take these lessons and save your self, is what the savior said when he came to you in 1913.

T- Tehuti is the Neter shil Neteru that will make your brain firm so that you may remember. Truth is the doctrine of Tehuti. The Recorder.

T- Tehuti is the Neter shil Neteru that will make your brain firm so that you may remember. Truth is the doctrine of Tehuti. The Recorder.

U- You have race pride come and join the Moorish Divine National Movement and learn the truth of your self.

U- You have race pride come and join the Moorish Divine National Movement and learn the truth of your self.

V- Victory is to demonstrate, to set a demon straight, by imitating the Prophet, in truth and deed to set the record straight. Vicious is to take the heads of those Gods who try to keep our people illiterate afro, black, colored-American.

V- Victory is to demonstrate, to set a demon straight, by imitating the Prophet, in truth and deed to set the record straight. Vicious is to take the heads of those Gods who try to keep our people illiterate afro, black, colored-American.

W- Wisdom is the water that quenches the brain, it shows the ways and actions one uses to make facts known.

W- Wisdom is the water that quenches the brain, it shows the ways and actions one uses to make facts known.

X- Unknown, is your True Divine Creed and Nationality, Egiptian Moor has been unknown to you, since the Prophet Ali-Re’s assassination in 1929 A.D. He told Moors to expexct the 4th and 5th generation they will come with their ii’s wide open.

x- Unknown, your True Divine Creed and Nationality, Egiptian Moor has been unknown to you, since the Prophet Ali-Re’s assaniation in 1929 a.D. He told Moors to expexct the 4th and 5th generation they will come with their ii’s wide open.

Y- Ya’huwa, Yahweh, Yaanun or York-EL

Y-ya’huwa, Yahweh, Yaanun or York-EL

Z- Zig zag Zig is the science of process, the degrees demonstrated to make facts known.

Z- Zig zag Zig is the science of process, the degrees demonstrated to make facts known.

Ques: What is the origin of The Shrine? Al-Mudh-kheroon “The Shriners” has its roots in the original Syretic language. They had rigid training, discipline, and ritualistic initiations that made the worthy to become defenders. They were the Pure Sufi who dressed in black and red, because there were many great cities of trade to defend and protect, such as Baghdad in Iraq and Damascus in Syria. The Shrine then spread to underground groups to protect great men from those who wished to take their thrones.. .. The tribe in Syria that they initiated in the Shrine during Muhammad's time was called Ghassan. They migrated from Arabia under Bilaal, the Mu'azan of Ethiopia, who launched from Halab “Aleppo”, which means “milk” which is Syria where they claim his body is entombed. But in fact he and a band of men snuck out by night for fear of assassination, as all of the other brothers of the sacred order feared for their lives. They crossed the burning sands on camel by night following that great star and on foot traveling westward to arrive in the city of Fez, for they were no longer allowed to visit the city of Becca/Mecca, which had fallen under Sunni rule by the first Sunni Khalifah Abu Bakr, who was not blood related and The Shriners where pursued even into Fez, where they dressed as Moroccans with the jalaba, the fez and the silham.

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