0. What is this? An Affidavit, to STATE OF COLORADO CITY OF DENVER.
1. Who made you? AllAH
2. Can you Copy? Yes, by the blink of an eye.
3. Can you right? Yes, by pen, pencil, paint chalk, typewriter, or computer.
4. Tell me what you would write. A wide range of creative, intellectual or artistic forms of works.
5. Can you name some of them? Yes poems, theses, plays and other literary works.
6. Who named you? M&M.
7. Who is M&M? My Mother.
8. What day were you born? On the Fourth Month the Seventh day in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty-nine, In Denver territory, Colorado Republic.
9. What Day was your birth? April 7, 1969 in DENVER COLORADO.
10. Are you a Moor? By nature and decent I Am Moorish-American.
11. Did you receive a Christian name? Andre Coleman.
12. Did you receive a free National Name? Yes Moorish –American
13. What do you say of treaties? Treaty’s are the Law of the Land and Contract make’s the law.
14. How many selves do you have? Two.
15. What is you true Name? Andre’ L. Coleman.
16. What is your alter ego? Ens Legis.
17. What is its name? ANDRE COLEMAN.
18. Do you have another name for ANDRE COLEMAN? Yes “Straw- man”, refer to Blks Law 1st edition, 1891.
19. The name’s look the same. They are not.
20. Can you explain? Andre’ Coleman is the flesh and blood creation of M&M, who is the Mother of virtues harmonies of life and breeds justice mercy love and right.
21. And what of ANDRE COLEMAN? This evil is a myth, the legal person, made of air, and clothed with the shadow of thought, lower-self the color of law.
22. Do you have a Re-ligion? Yes, TRUTH.
23. Who brought the truth to you? The Prophet Noble Drew Ali, 1886-1929 a.d...
24. What did he bring you? My lost estate in which I may profit.
25. What jewels did The Prophet bring you? The Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Moorish Lititure, Moorish Questionair, Divine Constitution and By-Laws.
26. What is so important about these? Man may believe what other’s say, but thus he never knows. If man would know he must, himself, be what he knows.
27. What is the first duty of a Moorish-American? To inmate the Author, Noble Drew Ali, the Prophet.
28. What is the foremost message of our Moorish Leaders? Peace on earth, good-will to all.
29. Have you had peace? No!
30. Why? A Wizard changed me into the Strawman 5/16/1969.
31. How did this happen? My property was stolen and used against me
32. What Property was that? Andre’ Coleman.
33. I thought that was your name. My Name is My Property.
34. Then who are you? I Am that I Am. A flesh and blood, breathing being, Amen.
35. What does your Mother call you? Ma Son.
36. Do you believe in God? No, I know God very well, belief is what man thinks, perhaps, is truth.
37. Who is Jesus? The Son of God, the Son of Mary.
38. What is the purpose of this writing? By using the printed word an author has a greater opportunity of having his exact meaning understood.
39. What is a wizard to you? My doctor, at birth.
40. Why Him? He befriended My Mother and stole My Property, given to me the day I was born into this world, and concealed an agenda.
41. What was that Agenda? She never was told that she was given up her God-son over to an Evil G.O.D...
42. Why did the doctor and G.O.D need M&M child? Because they created a debt, the doctor is the accessory to the crime.
43. What type of crime was this? Fraud a knowing misrepresentation of the truth or concealment of a material fact to induce another to act in his or her detriment.
44. You mention a debt, when did this occur? In the year, 1929.
45. Did the Prophet Transform in 1929? Yes sir the Profit was killed.
46. Did the Prophet know this truth? Yes he was copyrighted.
47. What did the Prophet say about man? Man is truth and falsehood strangely mixed.
48. Whose Name is on your Birth Certificate? The Strawman, a fictional person, a creature of the state, who is subject to all the codes, statutes, rules, regulations and ordinances ect. (14th Amendment) person.
49. When did you figure all of this out? I Traveled to Egipt as Atun Pedi Neheh and my mate Ninti Baset EL and there we were informed.
50. How did you regain your property? By Public Notice in the Legal Section Golden Transcript July 30, 2003.
51. Why was this done? To correct the wrong, to relieve myself of being abused?
52. What happened to your strawman? I trapped “it” in 1of2 08/26/2003 11:16 a.m., and now I gained control (OWNERSHIP).
53. How did you trap him? UCC-1 Finace Statement.
54. When will you release the Strawman? 70 years after I transform, Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act.
55. What else was established after the founding of the Moorish Science Temple of America? 1913 the Federal Reserve was established.
56. You mention that your name was used against you. S.D.W.
57. How did she harm you? She placed my Property in the market place which she benefited.
58. Where you under her spell? She maintained truth only with voice and lip, her hart far away and set on gold.
59. What is better than Gold? A Good Name.
60. What is a Good Name? Secure Party.
61. What is your Good Name? Secure Party.
62. Why wasn’t we taught about this strawman? You were, your English Teacher taught and told you to never write a person’s of flesh and blood in all CAPS.
63. What should one study? I would say yourselves.
64. What should one study next? Y-ourselves.
65. Why? Because one who knows his/her self, knows the illusions of the world, knows the things that pass away, and knows the things that cannot pass away.
66. What have you to say about usA? Egipt of the West.
67. What have you to say about your present rulers? Your rulers are adulterer’s extorioners and thieves, regarding not the rights of man.
68. What did you need when you grew up? Actual Freedom.
69. Why Actual Freedom? The man who neglecteth his present concerns, to revolve how he will behave when greater, feedeth himself with wind, while his bread is eaten by another.
70. What is forgery? The act of fraudulently altering, authenticating, issuing or transferring writing without appropriate authorization.
71. Where do you live? In My Body.
72. Are you crazy can you count to nine? 750523248.
73. Can you add to nine? 7+2=9
74. What is your Trade Name? A C © ™ A C-EL © ™.
75. What makes a man? It is free National Standards and Power that makes a man and a Nation.
76. Where is the wealth? The wealth of all National Governments, Gold and Silver and Commerce, belongs to the citizens alone.
77. When did you proclaim your Nationality? After speaking to Angeles clothed in flesh.
78. What year was that? 1991.
79. What happen upon the square? I drew circles around my passions and desire’s and gave up all names that deluded to slavery, negro, colored, Afro-American, Black etc.
80. What does Moorish-question 87 say? Black according to science means death.
81. What does Black according to A.E.O. mean? Supreme Balancement.
82. Tell me by which way do you come? Raised in 1989 in the M.S.T. of A.,inc under the guidance of Grand Sheik Clarence Moses-EL to be Grand Sheik then I met Wise God Allah, given the 120’s, Supreme Mathematics Supreme Alphabets, Supreme Manifestations, Plus Lesson’s, Solar Facts. From this point I met Two more Angels Eloheem, Oscar and Lorenzo of divine light , True light the Ansaar’s, to be Ansaar, guided by the Mujaddid in him I seen truth made fruition.
83. What is Truth? Aught.
84. What is Aught? Aught is Allah.
85. So are you a Good Moor? Yes I Am, about my Fathers works.
86. What are you fathers works? To seek knowledge, from the cradle to the grave, to be industrious and a part of uplifting fallen humanity, to set the record straight.
87. What is a Race? A competition in speed where there can only be one winner.
88. What is a raciest? Where the gain of one party requires the loss of another, to harm the other, in which each side is trying to best the other in a ruthless compotation, a zero sum game.
89. What can you say of racism? No-one wins the race in racism.
90. How where you Born? By Law; Land, Air, and Water.
91. Where did you learn Moorish Science? The same place the Prophet Noble Drew Ali, and Jesus was sent to learn, refer to Matthew 2:13.
92. What is in Egipt? The Congregation of the Mighty, He judgeth amongst the Eloheem/Allahumma. Psalms 82:1
93. What was taught there? Some of the Degrees that were taught there was defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy, deliver the poor and needy out of the hand of the afflicted.
94. Did the Prophet Noble Drew Ali go to Egypt? Yes, Professor Drew the Egyptian Adept.
95. Who came before God? Amen Revelation’s 3:14.
96. Where did our savior come from? Egypt Hosea 12:9.
97. What did Jesus say to the doctors of law that made them mad? I am the Lord thy Yahweh from the land of Egypt.
98. Who is at the gate of the Lords house toward the north? Women weeping for Tammuz.
99. What can you say about Allah The Most High. Ye are Allahumma/Eloheem, and all of you are children of the Most High.
100. So do you accept that there is many Allah’s and they obey Allahu Akbar?
101. Do Gods fight one another? Yes, like aunts and uncles, brothers and sister in any family.
102. What type of building is the Congregation in? The Mir.
103. What is a Mir? A pyramid.
104. When did you figure out that something was wrong in your life? When I realized that I was born into a world of what people say.
105. What did the Prophet Noble Drew Ali say in this regard? Confirm and Conform.
106. Did you confirm and conform? Yes, now I Am, the message I bring to you.
107. How did you become the message you bring? I took along journey on a short path.
108. How did you get here? I was playing in the Green Light with other children
109. My name was called; I entered triple darkness and manifested light in 1969.
110. So are you and Angel? Yes the thought of Allah manifested into flesh, the son of man the son of Allah.
111. What are Angels used for? To carry messages to the four corners of the world to all nations.
112. What is the message you bring? Know the Truth and the Truth shall make you
113. Who is the Allah that Prophet Noble Drew Ali taught us to pray to? (Amen).
114. Why do you say that the Allah that our Prophet Noble Drew Ali is referring to is (Amen)? Our Supreme Grand Sheik Timothy Dingel-EL reminded the Moorish Nation the parentheses meant something important as (COPY) is on Our Authority Forum.
115. What will you make known? I Grand Sheik Coleman-EL would like to make known that (Amen) is the 36 word which equals 9. The Prophet said don’t let me find you where I left you. From 7 to 9.
116. What is a fact? You can’t solve a Blackman or Afro-American problem until you first give him something to respect.
117. What is it that a Blackman or Afro-American can respect? A Nationality.
118. What is his Nationality? Moorish-American.
119. What is her Nationality? Moorisha-American
120. Would that be considered a Dual Nationality? Yes
121. Can you give a brief line of Dual Nationalities? French-American. Japanese-American, Koran-American, Cuban-American.
122. Why do people carry dual nationality? Because they keep the name of their fore-father’s.
123. Do black people, colored people, Negro people, afro-American, African-American, have a Nationality? No.
124. Why do these people have No Nationality? Because these people are No-People, they do not belong to the Nations of the Earth.
125. Would you explain? Earth is a globe, on this globe their exist continents, in these continents there is Nation’s. For instance Africa/Amexem is a continent with many Nation’s.
126. So what does that mean? There is No-land called Black, Negro, Colored, or afro, so the people don’t exist.
127. Did the Prophet give us a dual Nationality? Yes
128. Why wouldn’t a dual nationality limit U.S. Government efforts to assist Moorish Americans in a time of need? Act #4 All Members must preserve these Holy and Divine laws, and all members must obey the laws of the Government, because by being a Moorish American, you are part and partial of the Government, and must live the life accordingly.
129. Where is our Moorish Nation today? 36 degrees longitude and 30 degrees latitude
130. Did the Prophet Noble give the Moorish-American an allegiance? Yes
131. What is it? Honor thy Mother and thy Father that thy days may be long upon the Earthland which the Lord thy God Allah hath given thee.
132. Why did he do this? Because we place our trust upon issue and names formed by our forefathers.
133. What is taught of the Liberty Bell? The Moors are the only one’s who can fill the void of liberty?
134. What is a Moor? The original olive tone Melanite, a thought of Allah made fruition. Fathers and Mothers of civilization. Al Koran 2:30-30 (Rev 624-626) 87 Chpt Org.
135. Who is the colored man? This is a name that was given to Moor’s by slave holder in 1779 and lasted until 1865 during the time of slavery.
136. What is the population of Moorish-American in North America? 17,000,000 with 2,000,000 Indians Torah 15:12
137. What degree proves Allah sent the Prophet to Moorish Americans? Dut 18:15-18
138. This prophecy speaks of a prophet to come who would be a descendant of the Prophet/ apostle Ishmael Torah Gen 21:13, 18
139. What is the truth of this Great Nation? Our Savior was born in 1886 in the state of N. Carolina. John 8:32
140. What is truth? Truth is the only thing that changes not, you are not a Negro Colored man black man, Ethiopian, you are a Moorish-American
141. Why is the Moor illiterate to this truth? W. Wilson said it is not in the interest of the United States Goverment to let you know who you are, so he keeps them illiterate to themselves so he can master them.
142. If a Moorish-American loses doubt in the Prophet what must he or she do? Stop wearing the turban and fez turn in Moorish Holy Koran and all literature, cease wearing pin’s and button’s and return to the state where the Prophet found you.
143. What is the esoteric degree of the first shall be last and the last shall be first? The Prophet born amongst us returned unto us our birthrights being the first to teach us of our Nationality, Proclaiming us Moorish-American in 1912 A.D. officially in a secret meeting, how-ever the lost Moors who accepted the name’s that delude to slavery and strayed after the Gods of Europe, these lost Moors called each other Thugs 4 life, niggas with Attitude, folks and a multitude of other names that robe a pure nation of self and kind. Now that nature has again stirred the ethers the oppression of the lost Moors have multiplied and there organization have failed them, it’s leaders in dismay, now after living in the cares of the worlds the (NBC) are ready to return home and worship under their own vine and fig-tree as Moorish-America. And after the (NBC) proclaim their nationality they again will be first.
144. What is a degree that the Moors demonstrate? Hold onto the rope of Allah as one community (Moorish-American) altogether and don’t be separated hold onto the rope Moe.
145. Will every nation have a guide? Yes for every nation of people there is a guide. Prophet Noble Drew Ali was our guide in North America Al Qur’an 13:7.
146. What happened to you when you went to uplift save humanity? I experience a crime against me theft by deception the use of trickery to obtain my property. The witch of the Mideast prevented me from obtaining information because she knew that my judgment about her transaction with the G.O.D. I would not approve.
147. Have you ever been married? No. I never took a vow or gave a vow to a woman; I never stood in front of a Grand Sheik, Minister, Preacher, Reverend, Bishop or Pope in matrimony, nor placed a ring on a bride’s finger.
148. What is illegitimate? Born out of wedlock? Against the law unlawful and improper
149. Are the Negro, Black, Colored people illegitimate? Yes, they have no foremothers or forefathers to place their principals into the Nation of the Earth.
150. Can you tell me why? Because you are a Moor in a comatose state and must return to your own vine and fig tree, Moorish-American.
151. Why did the prophet say “Although the ignorant has finished college, he is a fool right on being trained to jump through the hoop? The longer he stays in schools the better he can jump, and more vivid he will defend his jumping? Students are taught the doctrine of a structured bureaucracy and are never taught the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth.
152. What is a hidden defect? A product imperfection that is not discoverable by reasonable inspection and for which seller or lessor is generally liable if the flaw causes harm.
153. What did you do after you discovered a hidden defect? A purchaser may revoke a prior acceptance UCC§ 2-608(1) (b).
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