Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mystery of Ruth....27. Will you give in brief the line (genealogy) through which Jesus came? Some of the Great Fathers through which Jesus came are: Abraham, Boaz by Ruth

The mystery of Ruth, MQ# 27. Will you give in brief the line (genealogy) through which Jesus came? Some of the Great Fathers through which Jesus came are: Abraham, Boaz by Ruth, Jesse, King David, Solomon, Hezekiah and Joseph by Mary.

There are several reasons why Abraham is significant in Islamism. For Moslims, Abraham is a friend and prophet, the "messenger of Allah" who stands in the line from Noah to Mohammad, to whom Allah gave revelations,[Koran 4:163], who "raised the foundations of the House" (i.e., the Kaaba)[Koran 2:127] with his first son, Isma'il, a symbol of which is every mosque. Ibrahim (Abraham) is the first in a genealogy for Mohammad. Islam considers Abraham to be the "first Muslim" (Surah 3)—the first monotheist in a world where monotheism was lost, and the community of those faithful to Allah, thus being referred to as ابونا ابرهيم or "Our Father Abraham", as well as Ibrahim al-Hanif or "Abraham the Monotheist". Islamism holds that it was Ishmael, (Isma'il, Mohammad's ancestor) rather than Isaac, whom Ibrahim was instructed to sacrifice. In addition to this spiritual lineage, the northern Adnani Arab tribes trace their lineage to Isma'il, and thus to Abraham. Abraham is also recalled in certain details of Moslim El Marguraj-ElHajj (pilgrimage).
Abraham is hailed as the first Hebrew and the father of the Jewish people. One of his grandsons was Judah, from whom the religion ultimately gets it name.

The Israelites were initially a number of tribes who lived in the Kingdom of Israel and Kingdom of Judah. After being conquered and exiled, some members of the Kingdom of Judah eventually returned to Israel. They later formed an independent state under the Hasmonean dynasty in the 2nd and 1st centuries BCE, before becoming a client kingdom of the Roman Empire, which also conquered the state and dispersed its inhabitants. From the 2nd to the 6th centuries Jews wrote the Talmud, a lengthy work of legal rulings and Biblical exegesis which—along with the Tanakh—is a key text of Judaism. In our Moorish Questionair the 27th the verse where the last part of the section where the genealogy of Joseph, the legal father of Jesus, is listed.

In the Moorish Questionair of the 101’s the text reads:

Will you give in brief the line (genealogy) through which Jesus came? Some of the Great Fathers through which Jesus came are: Abraham, Boaz by Ruth, Jesse, King David, Solomon, Hezekiah and Joseph by Mary.

The reason why our Prophet to us started with Abraham is in Gen 17:1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I [am] the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.

   [adj., n. pur-fikt; v. per-fekt] Show IPA
adjective excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement:

entirely without any flaws, defects, or shortcomings:

Related forms
per•fect•ed•ly, adverb
per•fect•er, noun
per•fect•ness, noun
non•per•fect•ed, adjective
qua•si-per•fect, adjective

What is Hebrew word for perfect?
If the noun is masculine, then it'll be described as "shah-LEHM" (שלם) or mushlam (מושלם).

If the noun is feminine, then it'll be described as "sh'lay-MAH" (שלמה) or mushlemet (מושלמת).

male/general: מושלם - moosh-LAM , Now refer to Koran Question #12
female: מושלמת - moosh-leh-MET, Now refer to Koran Question #12
males/mixed: מושלמים - moosh-lah-MEEM
females: מושלמות - moosh-lah-MOT

What is perfect in Arabic?
Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon (which is based on classical Arabic dictionaries), says under the word Allah, while citing many linguistical authorities:

"Allah ... is a proper name applied to the Being Who exists necessarily, by Himself, comprising all the attributes of perfection, a proper name denoting the true god ... the al being inseparable from it, not derived..."

Moors please refer to Moorish Question # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

In our Holy Koran, Chapter I The Creation And Fall Of Man (in part)
"Hear, now, oh everything that is, or was, or evermore will be, for Wisdom speaks from out of the highest plane of spirit life: "Man is a thought of Allah; all thoughts of Allah are infinite; they are not measured up by time, for things that are concerned with time, begin and end. "The thoughts of Allah are the everlasting of the past unto the never ending days to come. And so is man, the spirit-man.
"But man like every other thought of Allah, was but a seed, a seed that held within itself the potencies of Allah, just as the seed of any plant of earth holds deep within itself the attributes of every part of that especial plant.

"So spirit-man, as seed of Allah held deep within himself the attributes of every part of God. "Now, seed are perfect, yea, as perfect as the source from which they come; but they are not unfolded into life made manifest. The child is as perfect as the mother is. So man, the seed, must be deep planted in a soil that he might grow, unfold, as does the bud unfold to show the flower. The human seed that came forth from the heart of Allah was full ordained to be the Lord of plane of soul, and of the plane of things made manifest.

So Allah, the husbandman of every thing that is, threw forth this human seed into the soil of soul; it grew apace, and man became a living soul; and he became the Lord of all the kingdom of the soul. Hark, now, let every creature hear, the plane of soul is but the ether of the spirit plane vibrating not so fast, and in the slower rhythm of this plane the essences of life are manifest; the perfumes and the odors, the true sensations and the all of love are manifest.

"And these soul attributes become a body beautiful. A multitude of lessons man must learn upon the plane of soul; and here he tarries many ages until his lessons are all learned. Upon the boundary of the plane of soul, the ether began to vibrate slower still and then the essences took on a final garb; the perfumes and the odors and the true sensations and the all of love were clothed in flesh; and man was clothed in flesh. Perfected man must pass through all the ways of life, and so a carnal nature was full manifest, a nature that sprang forth from fleshly things.

Without a foe a soldier never knows his strength, and thought must be developed by the exercise of strength. And so this carnal nature soon became a foe that man must fight, that he might be the strength of Allah made manifest. Let every living thing stand still and hear! Man is the Lord of all the plane of manifest, of protoplast, of mineral, of plant, of beast, but he gave up his birthrights, just to gratify his lower self. But man will regain his lost estate, his heritage; but he must do it in a conflict that cannot be told in words. Yea, he must suffer trials and temptations manifold; but let him know that cherubim and seraphim that rule the stations of the sun and spirit of the mighty Allah who rule the solar stars are his protectors and his guide, and they will lead to victory. Man will be fully saved, redeemed, perfected by the things he suffers on the plane of flesh, and on the plane of soul.

When man has conquered carnal things his garb of flesh will then have served its purpose well and it will fall; will be no more.

Gen 17:2 And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly.

Refer to Holy Koran XXV: 3. And when ye separate in the world, remember the relation that bindeth you to love and unity; and prefer not a stranger before thy own blood.

Gen 17:3 And Abram fell on his face: and El talked with him, saying,

Gen 17:4 As for me, behold, my covenant [is] with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations. Refer to Holy Koran XXV: 3

Gen 17:5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.

Gen 17:6 And I will make 0 thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee.

Gen 17:7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a EL unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. Refer to Holy Koran XXV: 3

Gen 17:8 And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger (West), all the land of Canaan (East), for an everlasting possession; and I will be their El.

Gen 17:9 And God said unto Abraham, Thou shalt keep my covenant therefore, thou, and thy seed after thee in their generations.

Gen 17:10 This [is] my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised.

Gen 17:11 And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the covenant between me and you.

Gen 17:12 And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations, he that is born in the house, or bought with money of any stranger, which [is] not of thy seed.

Gen 17:13 He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised: and my covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant. Refer to Holy Koran Chapter XXV:3.

Gen 9:12 And El said, This [is] the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that [is] with you, for perpetual generations:

Circle Seven Chapter XI:16 Regard not, then, what any man has said; lest us forget the flesh and go with mind into the land of fleshless things; mind never does forget.

Holy Tablets Tablet 1:19 Nine ether is conscious and conscience gases. The Melanin-ites, the original woolly-haired, dark skinned Muurs “Moors” came along with the original creation; that is the same kind of ether force that grew the universe. As nature was growing these Melaninites were apart of the original growth. Melanin grew with the original creation. To come along with a thing is to grow with or within it. 6 ether are 9 points from ether 1 into darkness. The melaninites manifest from point 1 in hydrogen on into 9 elements, the 8th being oxygen for life. The dot, “nagut” is the point of origin of things, the first sum.

Holy Koran Chapter 1 (in part) "Time never was when man was not." If life of man at any time began, a time would come when it would end. "The thoughts of Allah cannot be circumscribed. No finite mind can comprehend things infinite. All finite things are subject unto change. All finite things will cease to be because there was a time when they were not." The bodies and the souls of men are finite things, and they will change, yea, from the finite point of view the time will come when they will be no more. "But man himself is not the body, nor the soul; he is a spirit and a part of Allah." Creative Fate gave to man, to spirit-man, a soul that he might function on the plane of soul; gave him a body of the flesh, that he might function on the plane of things made manifest. Why did creative Fate give to spirit-man a soul that he might function on the plane of soul? Why did creative Fate give to soul a body of the flesh that he might function on the plane of things that are made manifest?

Notice it did not say no-thing about Moabite.

Circle Seven Chapter XI: 17 And Backward through the ages master minds can trace them-selves back thus they know.

Holy Tablets Tablet (in part) 1:20 Therefore, the Melanin-ites, and their evolutionary descendants are the personification of the original creative forces.

Refer To Koran Questions # 61

Hu, 7 in all.
Refer to Koran Questions # 97

Holy Tablets Tablet 13:10-18 I see you are deep, (look deeply) into this knowledge, for it comes to you from my own self (Enqi), to help guide you to a better overstanding of the 7 fold you. One of you are discipline, Two of you is faith, Three of you is sacrifice, Four of you is Firmness, Five of you is Patience, Six of you is forgiveness, Seven of you is peace.

Professor Drew Ali the Egiptian Adept called Hu “creative fate” to mean “creative force of will”.

Circle Seven Creation and fall of man Chapter 1. Creative Fate gave to spirit-man a soul that it might function of the plan of soul, gave him a body of flesh, which he might function on the plane of things made manifest.

Now, here on the plane of things made manifest, clothed in flesh, as Melanin-ites, 9 ether beings, who call themselves Moors, who are also called Moors. The Spanish Latin’s called us Moreno, The French called Muur, Ancient Roman Greek, said Maurus and the Euro American called us Moor, The Greek word for Black is (Melaw) (in this word you here Me law), from which you get the word Melan, For Melanin. And the People are Melaninites. Refer to Koran Question #62

The Sudan literally means the land of two Blacks. As in the case of Nekaybaw, she was the daughter of the great Ura “Ruler” of the kingdoms of the Blue Nile and White Nile in Sudan, in the land of Ganawa today called Africa. Her Father, whose name was Ptah, stood in stature not more than 4ft but in greatness a giant. Her Mother was the beautiful princess named Anath “Athirat”. Together they ruled in harmony , the Ptahites were called “prehistoric man”, unlike the Ugarit people of the Euphrates, who were known as kaafiruwn (the Ptahites had no wars or battles) They lived in total peace and were known as "shah-LEHM" (שלם) or mushlam (מושלם) "sh'lay-MAH" (שלמה) or mushlemet (מושלמת) before Muslimuwna or Muslims, “Ones of Peace”, name is misused by Muhammadans.

Remember what is Hebrew word for perfect?
If the noun is masculine, then it'll be described as "shah-LEHM" (שלם) or mushlam (מושלם).
If the noun is feminine, then it'll be described as "sh'lay-MAH" (שלמה) or mushlemet (מושלמת).
male/general: מושלם - moosh-LAM , Now refer to Koran Question #12
female: מושלמת - moosh-leh-MET, Now refer to Koran Question #12
males/mixed: מושלמים - moosh-lah-MEEM
females: מושלמות - moosh-lah-MOT

The descendants of Cain waged war against Mu (Moo) which was in Salem. The beings in this city of Mu (Moo) and Salem were called male/general: מושלם - moosh-LAM ,
female: מושלמת - moosh-leh-MET, now called Muslims. That is were they get their names, ones who are of perfection. Mu (Moo) was located where the Red Sea runs.

Genesis 14:18 And Melchizedek king of Salem Brought bread and wine, and he was the Priest of the Most High Eloheem

The Qur’aan has a quote stating how Abraham, who in ancient Tama’Re “Egipt” would be named Harsemtawi, and named you male/general: מושלם - moosh-LAM , female: מושלמת - moosh-leh-MET, before. Koran 22:78

The prefix Mu (Moo) describes Gan, The Enclosed Garden. Salaam meaning “Peace”, was the kingdom ruled by the Arch Eloheem, Anunnaqi, Neter “Supreme Being” Michael, Thoth, Neter shil Neteru.

No Moabites existed as of this point. Harsemtawi who is Abraham named you male/general: מושלם - moosh-LAM , Now refer to Koran Question #12 female: מושלמת - moosh-leh-MET, he knew of the Mumin of “Mu” (Moo) because he was taught by Melchizedek.

So with the Union of Melchizedek the Ruler of Salaam, where you have the city of “Mu” (Moo) and the Chaldean Abraham from “Ur” (OOr) you & we get Mu’ur/Moor. Because our Prophet to us Noble Drew Ali said we must keep the Name of our forefathers.

Now as for Lot, Luwt, he was the nephew of Harsemtawi who is Abraham. Noble Drew Ali said in the MQ#27 Harsemtawi who is Abraham first. So how in the heck did the Grand Sheiks or Sheikess not see the wrong being taught in the Temples?

So let me Grand Sheik Coleman-EL. Share with you the story of Ruth. As taught to me by our Prophet to us Noble Drew Ali.

Genesis 19:32-38 come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve the seed of our father. And they made their father drink wine that night: and the First born went in (Lubna), and lay with her father; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose. And it came to pass on the morrow, that the first born said unto the younger(Jalaa’a), Behold I lay yesternight with my father, let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve the seed of our father.
And they made their father drink wine also that night also; and the younger arose, and lay with him, and he perceived not when she lay down nor when she arose.

Thus were the daughters of Lot with child by their father. And the first born bare a son, and called his name Moab; the same is the father of the Moabites unto this day. And the younger she also bare a son, and called his name Benammi: The same is the father of the children of Ammon unto this day.

DEUTERONOMY 23:2-3 A bustard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; Even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord. An Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to their tenth generation shall they not enter into the congregation of the Lord for ever.

Lot took his life for this act!! Now look in the Holy Koran XLVII: 5. In Later Years Many Of Their Bretheren From Asia And The Holy Lands Joined Them.

6. The Moabites From The Land Of Moab Who Received Permission From The Pharaohs Of Egypt To Settle And Inhabit North-West Africa (Notice Allah did not give the land to the Moabites); (They Egyptians)They Were The Founders And Are The True Possessors Of The Present Moroccan Empire ( Who are the True Possessors of the Moroccan Empire? The Pharaohs of Egypt! The ones Who Received and asked for permission is the Moabites who asked Permission From The Pharaohs not Allah Look and read it again). With Their Canaanite, Hittite, And Amorite Bretheren Who Sojourned From The Land Of Canaan Seeking New Homes ( This was after Pharaoh Khufu opened the boarders and allowed the Hittite, And Amorite Bretheren Who Sojourned From The Land Of Canaan Seeking New Homes) .

7. Their (Pharaohs of Egypt) Their Dominion And Inhabitation Extended From North-East And South-West Africa, Across Great Atlantis Even Unto The Present North, South, And Central America And Also Mexico And The Atlantis Islands; Before The Great Earthquake, Which Caused The Great Atlantic Ocean (This is speaking about the Egyptian Dominion and Inhabitation Extended From North-East And South-West Africa, Across Great Atlantis Even Unto The Present North, South, And Central America And Also Mexico And The Atlantis Islands; Before The Great Earthquake, Which Caused The Great Atlantic Ocean.

8. The River Nile Was Dredged And Made By The Ancient Pharaohs Of Egypt (Not Moabite Moors), In Order To Trade With The Surrounding Kingdoms (Like the land of Moab Moor, Hittite Moor, And Amorite Moor Bretheren Who Sojourned From The Land Of Canaan ). Also The Niger River Was Dredged By The Great Pharaoh Of Egypt In Those Ancient Days For Trade, And It Extends Eastward From The River Nile, Westward Across The Great Atlantic (to the Americas here where the largest pyramid structure is, these are Moor/Muur & Mu’urs remember Moab Moor wasn’t even conceived yet alone born). It Was Used For Trade And Transportaion.

Mahlon along with Elimelech his father and Chilion his brother challenged the beliefs of Moab and was inprisoned or worst put to death, Ruth, who served in the temple as a High Priestess and leads the worship of the Moabites of Moab. When Ruth falls in love with Mahlon a Muur Hebrew, she must come to terms with his spiritual beliefs This Ruth, she is a Moabitess priestess under orders of hight religious hierarchy, as their cruel religion makes sacrifices children to the God Moloch in a pagan civilization , Ruth, a moabites who serves as the spiritual teacher of a young Moabitess girl Tebah who is being prepared to be sacrificed to Chemosh, a Moabite deity.

The High-priestess, along with Ruth, orders Mahlon, a Judean artisan, to brush the Tebah's ritual crown. As Mahlon delivers the crown to Ruth at the temple, he denounces her god Chemosh explaining its nonexistence. This Moabite Moor girl being sacrificed, and a frightened, astonished Ruth fleeing to Mahlon and Naomi's family. The result of this "dishonor" follows Mahlon prisoned along with Elimelech his father and Chilion his brother.

Chilion and Elimelech die in the prison, while Mahlon's punishment is to perform slave work for the rest of his life. After an attempt by Ruth to help him flee from the slave site, causes his death, Ruth flees to Naomi, and in Ruth 1:16 we read, And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, [or] to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people [shall be] my people, and thy God my God:

As time passed this act was fed to the Moors in the Temples, by continuing to call Ruth a Moabitess caused Moorish American to refer to themselves as Moabite Moors this was taught to Moorsish Americans by Masons and Eastern Stars in the Prophets Temples even unto this day! Ruth, didn’t want to be a Moabite Moor, Ruth didn’t want to return back to the Land of Moab, Ruth knew of her the fate as a Moabite Moor and their relationship to the Most High (El Eloh), never being able to enter the congregation of the Most High for ever. What did she do? She refined herself and proclaimed her Nationality through Naomi as a Beth-lehemite Moor of the tribe of Judah. Refer to Ruth 1:14-16.

This why our Prophet to us told Moors to refer to Koran Question #30 That right (Was!!!!) not is.

Ruth was not a Mother to any Moabite Moor as I said she did not see anything good coming out of Moab.

Holy Tablets Tablet 13 11:225-234 When Orphah arrived and was taken by a Anakite, giant named Makhmud he took Orphah to the city of Gath, which was the city the Anakite took refuge in. And there Orphah bore Makhmud 4 sons their names were Saph, Ishbi, Farth, Golyath they were all killed.

All if not Most of you Melaninites Olive toned men and woman have left your old habits and life styles behind ( i.e Negro, Black, Colored, Afro-American, African-American) for something better (Moorish-American), just as the Prophetess Ruth did, the moment the day that she changed her threshold, so to continue to say she is a Moabitess is out right error on your part, due to baptism rites, and initiation rites.

So as you see Ruth was made to enter the Nations of Harsemtawi who is Abraham and be perfect and perfected, to whom the Most High, who is perfect Made a Covenant with Harsemtawi who is Abraham for perpetual generations, Moab was his great Nephew and obviously he is not, was not, perfect!!

So stop weaving fig leaves to by saying that we Moorish Americans are Moabite Moors. We are Moors/Muur first and foremost and now in flesh we are the noun masculine, described as "shah-LEHM" (שלם) or mushlam (מושלם) the noun is feminine, described as "sh'lay-MAH" (שלמה) or mushlemet (מושלמת). male/general: מושלם - moosh-LAM, female: מושלמת - moosh-leh-MET,

males/mixed: מושלמים - moosh-lah-MEEM females: מושלמות - moosh-lah-MOT

So Moorish Americans be thou ye perfect= Olive Melaninites (KQ#62) manifest from point 1 in hydrogen on into 9 elements, the 8th being oxygen for life. The dot, “nagut” is the point of origin of things, the first sum. A state of Supreme Balancement, Perfect.

I’m going to stop here, so that you can digest this data, and remember mind your mind for the jewels of our soul.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


1 Prosecutorial Discretion
1(A) We hold the prudent practice of "see, hear and speak no evil" essential as related to the office of the Attorney General [secretly called the "power structure's Mafia"]. Therefore:
• 1(A)(i) We hold the latitude we give the Public Defender's office compensates for any inequality of justice or prosecutorial misconduct and
• 1(A)(ii) We ignore the practice of overcharging by the Attorney General regardless of how many are forced into false admissions or plea bargains.
• 1(A)(iii) We hold overcharging can assist bar members with revenue enhancement and improves efficiency by reducing demands for jury trials and we shall not consider
o any guidelines stating otherwise or
o the devastation in the lives of those so affected.
• 1(A)(iv) Since it is the job of the Attorney General to "get" people, any means they use to do so is acceptable since they are the will and voice of the people.
• 1(A)(v) If the Attorney General's Office violates laws, rules or ethics while "getting" people then let the trial process sort it out. To hell with the following:
o those who can't afford effective counsel, a trial or those having a Public Defender and
o those who get a Judge skilled in the use of judicial discretion who covers up or ignores prosecutorial misconduct citing "judicial efficiency" and the "duty of the state."
• 1(A)(vi) Having a bold aggressive Attorney General is of greater benefit to Society than any possible damage to individual life and liberty.
1(B) Public Defender
• 1(B)(i) The importance we place on justice can always be measured by the amount of resources given the Public Defender in proportion to the amount of resources given the Attorney General.
• 1(B)(ii) Under staffing and under funding of the Public Defender:
o enhances Judicial efficiency and eases the court calendar by promoting plea bargains, suicides, breakdowns, despair, fleeing etc. and
o can give us more bang for our buck by turning the Public Defender into an extension of the Attorney General's office and
o can demonstrate effective use of the "good cop (Public Defender)" "bad cop (Attorney General)" scenario and
o can assist members of the bar with property acquisition and other revenue enhancements.
• 1(B)(iii) Any uncooperative Public Defender making an issue of judicial or prosecutorial misconduct or ethics violations shall be removed as quickly as possible.
2(A) Confident Litigants
Any litigant appearing confident can be baffled by minutia or Judicially enhanced procedural criteria.
2(B) Judicial Dominance
Occasionally we encounter a litigant who doesn't know we are king. We hold the following tools effective in forcing a resistant litigant into submission:
• intimidation by any means
• condescending looks, gestures or comments
• expressing or instigating anger, outrage or shock
• obvious impatience
• rushing the proceedings
• frequent checks of the time
• cautionary glances toward the Bailiff
• appearing distressed or uncomfortable like one needing to go to the bathroom
• yelling the magic word "NEXT!"
• raising unrelated, irrelevant or confusing issues and
• loud bangs using the gavel.
2(C) The Need For Attorneys
We shall continue to stress the need to have an Attorney without addressing the fact the overwhelming majority of Americans can not afford them. This is effective in keeping the unresourceful and ineffective at bay.
2(D) The Ultimate Authority
Citizens must be continually led to believe that the Judiciary is the final or ultimate authority in our system of Government.
2(E) Practice Of Law Forbidden
We shall try as best we can to confuse clarifying issues with our inability to give advice. This makes us less apt to stick our foot in our mouth.
2(F) Sincerity Of The Judiciary
We shall never appear insincere when stating absurdities, untruths, mistruths or nonsense. We shall always act like the hearer is unknowledgeable, naive or unseasoned.
2(G) Judicial Fairness
We shall always remember when deciding the significance of an individual to consider money, connections, power, politics and the ability to get media attention in deciding how fair we need to be.
2(H) Judicial Response To Criticism
We forever hold the response to valid or invalid criticism should be indignance.
2(I) Judicial Efficiency
We hold instigating outrage, frustration, anger or other emotions in litigants can be an effective tool to rid ourselves of the unwanted litigant.
2(J) Judicial Handling Of The Ignorant
The client demanding Justice and the full respect of their rights shall be treated with pity and patience.
2(K) Judicial Authority
Due to the authoritative nature of black robes, we shall continue to resist their removal.
3(A) Efficiency Of Experts
We hold one of the greatest innovations for eliminating ineffective and unresourceful litigants is the ever expanding use of expert testimony.
3(B) Evolution Of Experts
This innovation will reach maturity when we routinely use levels of experts on experts to testify on the validity and expertise of each expert.
4(A) Discretion Defined
We maintain judicial and prosecutorial discretion is doing whatever we damn well please within the judicially prudent guidelines we happen to be following at the time.
4(B) Review Of Discretionary Acts
We shall never promulgate awareness of the real legal issue regarding the use and review of judicial and prosecutorial discretion which is the process of reasoning used in the discretionary act's decision making process. We shall convert the process of reasoning argument into an argument regarding the validity of doing or not doing the discretionary act.
5(A) Oversight Immunity
The immunity of everyone overseeing the Judiciary must be maintained to prevent witch hunts and the overzealous from affecting the independence of the Judiciary. The Judiciary does not require the vulnerable or corrective oversight of the masses.
5(B) Judicial Objectivity
We shall always remember the real symbolic reason behind the woman with the blindfold and scale. Objectivity and independence means remaining as blind as possible to wrong doing committed by the Judiciary, members of the bar, and the resourceful and effective.
5(C) Judicial Self-Evaluation
To maintain the independence of the Judiciary, we hold each others rulings to be legally and factually correct regardless of the injustice that results, the facts or the law.
5(D) Judicial Opinions Of Judges
To insure effective oversight of the Judiciary, we shall never criticize each other regardless of the severity of the wrong or the injustice.
5(E) Trust Us, We're Judges
We hold self monitoring and absolute immunity as foolhardy, ineffective and unworkable for everyone except the Judiciary and judicial oversight committees.
5(F) Judicial Job Performance
To allows us to remain unconcerned about upsetting the status quo, we shall keep the public convinced their interference will negatively affect the independence of the Judiciary making Judges afraid to do their jobs.
5(G) The Judicial Mosaic Tablet
We shall forever speak of centuries of Judicial immunities as proof of Judicial immunities' necessity and effectiveness without ever mentioning Judicial wrongdoing has been around as long as Judges.
5(H) Delay = Denied
We hold admission of any Judicial wrongdoing delayed is admission of Judicial wrongdoing denied.
5(I) Complete And Through Review
We hold there is no judicial wrongdoing which can not be diminished by time, levels of hearings and precise dissection , categorization and delegation of related facts and responsibilities.
6(A) Judicial Zen
• 6(A)(i) We hold the logic for our legal reasoning is embodied in the following statement which is understood only by the enlightened: "Because we open a window to the outside of this room does not mean we order, allow, permission or induce any air, dust, molecules, light waves, solar radiation, atoms, or any known or unknown wave or particulate matter from outside to enter this room and are not responsible if said events occur due to the contextual basis of our decisions."
• 6(A)(ii) We believe in the existence of the metaphysical "third eye." This enables us to selectively avoid looking out our other two eyes.
• 6(A)(iii) In the beginning was our word. Our word was with God, our word IS God.
• 6(A)(iv) To think is to be right.
• 6(A)(v) There is no issue that cannot be split into parts, and there is no part that can't be considered as the whole issue.
6(B) The Dangers Of Common Sense And Factual Integration
• 6(B)(i) The consideration of the end result our decision has when integrated with the "outside world" can lead to decisions based on "common sense" and must be avoided.
• 6(B)(ii) "Common Sense" lessens the highly specialized analytical and intelligent nature of the Judiciary creating the undesirable illusion we think like the masses.
• 6(B)(iii) "Common sense" must not be part of legal proceedings because it cannot be objectively verified.
• 6(B)(iv) Large scale factual integration with realities of the outside world can negatively affect the perfection of our written word.
6(C) Judicial Self Esteem
We endeavor to remain forever impressed with each other, our performance and our status irregardless of the availability or affordability of Justice.
6(D) Lip Service
We hold the consideration and realities of the quality or delivery of Justice should be given lip service faithfully.
6(E) The Third Person
We hold the "system" shall always be spoken of in the third person as if it operates independently from individuals.
6(F) Judicial Secret Mantra
We may think but not say, "I am the closest thing to God you will ever know."
6(G) Protection Of Status Quo
We shall remember "separate but equal" was around for 100 years. If we hadn't listened to the masses it might still be good law. Therefore we shall keep the shades drawn so reality won't affect or disturb the independence of our decision making process or the Status Quo.
6(H) The Written Word
We hold what looks good on paper must be good.
6(I) The Primary Concern
We shall never consider the end result of our decisions unless it could result in professional embarrassment, loss of status or media attention.
6(J) Public Ignorance
Arrogance is how Citizens define us when they are not fully aware of the nature or scope of our position.
6(K) Judicial Discretion
Judicial Discretion means we can do what we damn well please and is a great tool for denying appeals and judicial wrongdoing.
6(L) The Ultimate Truth
We irreversibly hold reality must conform to our decisions.
6(M) Judicial Precision
We shall forever work on perfecting the art of the polite, dignified, respectful, orderly administered and well twisted screw.
6(N) The Judicial Last Laugh
As related to the Judiciary, the term "over my dead body" is not a cliche but factually correct.
7(A) Constitution Typo
We hold the right in the Constitution to jury trials in civil matters is a typo.
7(B) Evidence Seen By Jury
We hold the illusion of justice can be created by thoughtful selection of the evidence seen by the Jury.
7(C) Evolution Of Jury Trials
Except for criminal matters for the wealthy, we secretly maintain the elimination of jury trials and continue searching for ways to get that goddamn Constitution out of our way.
7(D) Jury Nullification
We shall remember to act outraged at any mention of the vulgar practice called Jury Nullification.
7(D)(i) Judicial View On Jury Nullification And Instruction
We hold the public does not have the intellectual sophistication to handle the power that comes with jury nullification. This power should only be in the hands of the Judiciary.
7(D)(ii) Jury Instruction
In our continuing efforts to protect the public we must continue to "persuade" juries, via involuntary neurological suppression, into believing:
• 7(D)(ii)(1) they can only do what we say and
• 7(D)(ii)(2) they are not allowed to vote their conscience and
• 7(D)(ii)(3) they should only vote regarding facts and judicially selected evidence, not facts and the law.
7(E) Jury Selection
We must continue to use the word "random selection" when describing the jury selection pool since "random selection" can mean a non specific selection of any group.
8(A) The Value Of Justice
We forever hold Justice as the precious and proper administration of laws filtered by legal analysis and unaffected by the end result, even when the end result is the improper administration of laws.
8(B) The Privilege Of Justice
We hold Justice to be more of a privilege than a right. As a result, Justice should never be dispensed casually, freely or indiscriminately.
8(C) Appeals Insure Justice
We hold a denial of justice is an impossibility due to everyone's right of appeal. We hold this to be true irregardless of a litigant's time, money or resources.
8(D) Justice For All
We hold Justice is for all , but only after first deciding which standard of law we will apply, the "spirit of the law" or the "letter of the law" and after;
• 8(D)(i) the exact terminology and the exact questions are used to describe the injustice in the exact manner we require at the time and
• 8(D)(ii) said terminology is precisely used with other precise terminology in the exact manner we happen to be requiring at the time and
• 8(D)(iii) the exact form is used in the exact manner we happen to be requiring at the time and
• 8(D)(iv) said form is exactly prepared with other exactly prepared forms which we are requiring at the time and
• 8(D)(v) time requirements are exactly followed with respect to a host of issues that we happen to be requiring at the time and
• 8(D)(vi) all tools of eliminating litigants have been judiciously attempted such as overcharging, plea bargain, premature dismissals, expert testimony, res judicata,etc. and
• 8(D)(vii) we can't possibly find a way to use the great catch all "judicial discretion" to eliminate a litigant and
• 8D(viii) we have made litigants go through as many possible steps as we can conjure up irregardless of the litigant's time or financial resources and
• 8(D)(ix) any other judicially prudent, meticulous and painstaking attempt at finding a reason to avoid granting Justice unnecessarily.
8(E) Due Process Defined
First, decide how we want the case to go. Second, formulate a legal logic to support our decision. Third, manipulate, dissect or eliminate the facts and evidence to support our decision. Then the rubber stamp doctrine of "judicial discretion" will prevent most decisions from being overturned
9(A) The Nature Of Law
We hold the nature of the law similar to "silly putty". We may bend, stretch or reshape the law to say what fits our purpose.
9(B) The Flexibility Of Law
We hold the law is like the Bible, it can be made to say anything we want with enough quotes, viewpoints and cross references.
9(C) The Standards Of Law
The "letter of the law" and the "spirit of the law" are two different legal standards of Justice and the Law. We may choose the standard that suits our fancy.
9(D) The Equal Application Of Law
We hold the law must always be equally applied, depending on the circumstances and the litigant.
9(E) No One Above The Law
We hold no one is above the law. [Tee hee hee, wink wink]

10(A) Purpose Of Back Room Meetings
We will make ample use of back room meetings to keep litigants in the dark. They can not and should not see or understand the process of litigation.
10(B) Back Room Meetings Enhance Justice
• 10(B)(i) We hold injustice can not result from back room meetings because if wrongdoing occurs, clients can sue their Lawyers for malpractice.
• 10(B)(ii) To avoid complications, we avoid mentioning or considering the resources required for or the near impossibility of finding a lawyer to sue another lawyer.
10(C) Health Benefits Of Back Room Meetings
We hold the practice of moving to and from back room meetings can assist with circulation, constipation, rectal itch, gaseous emissions, breathing and caloric consumption.
10(D) Back Room Meetings Are Open Court
We shall go off the record as much as possible being careful to maintain the illusion of "open court."
10(E) The Unmentionable Contract
We prefer clients not be present in back room meetings while never mentioning we hold the client to whatever their lawyer agrees to in these meetings.
10(F) Accuracy Of Record
We resist new equipment that transcribes immediately. We prefer to have the option of making corrections to insure accuracy before the record is transcribed.
10(G) Consequences Of Clients At Back Room Meetings
We hold a client's presence at back room meetings can result in inappropriate evaluations of Judicial and Attorney conduct and expertise.

11(A) The Protection Of The Public
11(A)(i) We hold the need to protect the public from the dangers of self representation far outweighs the fair impartial administration of Justice. To protect the public from the dangers of self representation we shall:
• 11(A)(i)(1) approach the Pro Se, poor or indigent's complaint from this objectively protective and compassionate position, "Is there anyway I can deny this petition?"
• 11(A)(i)(2) use Judicially prudent unbiased techniques to intimidate, frustrate, anger, nit pick, postpone, play with or in any other way rid ourselves of a Pro Se, poor or indigent litigant.
• 11(A)(i)(3) assist the Pro Se, poor or indigent in a resolution by bending or ignoring the rules on ex parte communications.
• 11(A)(i)(4) nurture an unfriendly environment in a dignified and polite manner.
• 11(A)(i)(5) minimize or ignore Judicial, Court or Attorney errors while magnifying any errors of the Pro Se, poor or indigent litigant.
• 11(A)(i)(6) politely move on to the next case before the Pro Se, poor or indigent is finished. This will assist eliminating them later with arguments such as Res Judicata.
11(B) Disposition Before Written Decisions
• 11(B)(i) It is best to be rid of a Pro Se, poor or indigent litigant before having to render a decision requiring written legal analysis.
• 11(B)(ii) If forced to render a written opinion on a Pro Se , poor or indigent case, we will stick to or switch to the arguments that validate our desired position.
• 11(B)(iii) In Pro Se poor or indigent cases, we prefer unpublished opinions. This makes it easier to perpetuate non sequiturs and pseudo-justice while maintaining the illusion of due process.
• 11(C)(iv) We hold "giving the dog a bone" occasionally is good practice and gives us some ammunition when our integrity is questioned.
11(C) The Superiority Of Bar Members
When dealing with a Pro Se, poor or indigent litigant, we shall always give credence to members of the Bar's arguments, regardless of how absurd or off point they are.
11(D) The Superiority Of The Status Quo
In cases involving the system, member of the bar or the status quo versus the Pro Se, poor or indigent litigant make sure the system, member of the bar or the status quo prevail regardless of how you must ignore or pervert the issues .
11(E) Irrebuttable Presumption Of Pro Se Ignorance
We hold the Pro Se, poor or indigent litigant does not or can not understand the complex issues of litigation.
11(F) Methods For Smart Alec Pro Se, Poor Or Indigent Litigants
If a Pro Se, poor or indigent does understand the issues we shall:
• 11(F)(i) repeatedly bait them to go off point or
• 11(F)(ii) convince them they don't understand or
• 11(F)(iii) diligently look for and focus on a point they don't understand clearly or
• 11(F)(iv) continue until they err, running with the error to make a touchdown.
11(G) Attitude Toward Naive Pro Se, poor or indigent Litigant
We shall always take a patient but condescending attitude with a Pro Se, poor or indigent litigant that is so naive as to demand and expect fair, impartial Justice and the law applied as written.
11(H) The Inability To Practice Law
Our inability to give legal advice or advocate is restricted to Pro Se, poor or indigent litigants, not members of the bar, the fictitious corporate person or the State.
11(I) The In Forma Pauparis Hearing
We hold when questioning a litigant attempting to file In Forma Pauparis regarding what they own to never reveal the legal definition of "own" is to have and hold title. This effectively eliminates the unresourceful and ineffective and our ass is covered.
11(J) The Judicial Nightmare
The nightmare of having the public believe they have a chance of receiving justice without a lawyer must be avoided at all costs. The Courts are best operated as a "members only" organization.
12(A) Appeasing The Public
• 12(A)(i) Exemplifying one case where the system worked can cover a multitude of sins.
• 12(A)(ii) Occasional written opinions regarding concern about justice for the poor are effective in perpetuating the myth that we are continually and aggressively working on this issue.
• 12(A)(iii) When all else fails, schedule future hearings.
12(B) Handling Of Liability
We hold where liability of the privileged, the system or the status quo is involved, admission of wrong doing or error causes more harm than good. However, occasionally throwing the dog a bone can cover a multitude of sins.
12(C) Objective Public Image Maintained
We will continue to resist equipment in legal proceedings that can record emotion, attitude or personality traits which can affect the course of proceedings.
12(D) High Profile Trials
High profile trials are an opportunity to show Americans the way the system should work. This is advantageous to the overwhelming majority of Americans who would never see it otherwise. This also minimizes complaints of the non-existence of an effective judicial system.
12(E) The Priority Of The Public Trust
We hold the public trust must be maintained regardless of how we have to lie, cheat or steal to maintain it.
12(F) Media Focus and Public Attention
We hold hearings on any judicial wrongdoing should never be conducted when media attention or public awareness is high.
12(G) Judicial Verbal Equivalents To The Finger
When dealing with the public and the media, we shall never forget the power of the statements,
• "You don't understand the intricacies and operations of law" and
• "It would be inappropriate for me to comment" and
• "Many times Judges have knowledge of details not known by the public."
13(A) Value Of Justice
We hold Justice should always be fought for, never freely handed out.
13(B) The True Essence Of Procedure
We shall strive to find the breaking point in each individual.
13(C) Productivity
To create the illusion of productivity we shall forever hold Justice in front of litigants like a carrot on a stick.
13(D) Administration Of Justice
We hold the selective and selectively meticulous application and adherence to rules and procedure can be used to override the administration of Justice if the administration of Justice requires it.
13(E) The Obstacle Course Objective
We shall always remember the amount of Citizens we have to deal with is contingent on the number of hoops we require they go through.
13(F) Time Of The Essence
We shall remember time is on our side and the passage of time can create the illusion of thoroughness.
13(G) Due Process
We hold the term "due process" can imply the payment of money.

14(A) The Corporate Person v. The Individual
• 14(A)(i) The fictitious Corporate person shall be held in higher esteem than the individual.
• 14(B)(ii) We hold individuals are better represented by a corporate entity. This is more efficient and results in fewer demands for Rights or Justice.

15(A) The Ethics Of Lying
• 15(A)(i) To maintain the ethical nature of legal proceedings, the word "lie" is considered vulgar as related to statements from the Judiciary or members of the bar.
• 15(A)(ii) We shall use terms like misspoke, spoken in error, inadvertent utterance, involuntary neurological transmission, spontaneous somnambulistic manifestation or some terminology denoting non deliberate intent when describing the statements in question.
• 15(A)(iii) We hold the near impossibility of the existence of the lie because objective reality can have countless varied creative interpretations and constructive descriptions. Calling another's view of objective reality a lie shows a lack of intelligence, creative viewpoints and critical thinking skills.
15(B) The Ethics Of Truth
15(B)(i) We hold truth is that which is least damaging to the status quo.


Donation of $9.00

Donation of $124.00

Lawsuit flow chart
Cause of Action
Framing the pleadings
Simple Complaint
Multi Count Complaint
Simple Sentences
Certificate of Service
Cross claim
3rd Party Complaint
Avoiding the Answer
Motion to Strike
Motion to Dismiss
More Definite Statement
Affirmative Defense 1 2,, 3
Answering the Complaint
Request of Admissions
Request for Production
Subponea Power
Compelling Discovery
Moving the Court
Standing in Power

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Professor Drew The Egyptian Adept: Literature

We are happy to bring you the most complete material, to assist you in solving the negro problem. The problem of mental slavery has moved throughout the nations of the earth causing much hatred, slander, lewdness and everything that harms, to the well being of Man and Woman. You can view Moor material, by clicking the Books bar of the right side of the page.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

NATO: A Feast of Blood

While serving on the House International Relations Committee from 1993 to 2003, it became clear to me that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was an anachronism. Founded in 1945 at the end of World War II, NATO was founded by the United States in response to the Soviet Union's survival as a Communist state. NATO was the U.S. insurance policy that capitalist ownership and domination of European, Asian, and African economies would continue. This also would ensure the survival of the then-extant global apartheid.

NATO is a collective security pact wherein member states pledge that an attack upon one is an attack against all. Therefore, should the Soviet Union have attacked any European Member State, the United States military shield would be activated. The Soviet Response was the Warsaw Pact that maintained a "cordon sanitaire" around the Russian Heartland should NATO ever attack. Thus, the world was broken into blocs which gave rise to the "Cold War."

Avowed "Cold Warriors" of today still view the world in these terms and, unfortunately, cannot move past Communist China and an amputated Soviet Empire as enemy states of the U.S. whose moves any where on the planet are to be contested. The collapse of the Soviet Union provided an accelerated opportunity to exert U.S. hegemony in an area of previous Russian influence. Africa and the Eurasian landmass containing former Soviet satellite states and Afghanistan and Pakistan along with the many other "stans" of the region, have always factored prominently in the theories of "containment" or "rollback" guiding U.S. policy up to today.

With that as background, last night's NATO rocket attack on Tripoli is inexplicable. A civilian metropolitan area of around 2 million people, Tripoli sustained 22 to 25 bombings last night, rattling and breaking windows and glass and shaking the foundation of my hotel.

I left my room at the Rexis Al Nasr Hotel and walked outside the hotel and I could smell the exploded bombs. There were local people everywhere milling with foreign journalists from around the world. As we stood there more bombs struck around the city. The sky flashed red with explosions and more rockets from NATO jets cut through low cloud before exploding.

I could taste the thick dust stirred up by the exploded bombs. I immediately thought about the depleted uranium munitions reportedly being used here--along with white phosphorus. If depleted uranium weapons were being used what affect on the local civilians?

Women carrying young children ran out of the hotel. Others ran to wash the dust from their eyes. With sirens blaring, emergency vehicles made their way to the scene of the attack. Car alarms, set off by the repeated blasts, could be heard underneath the defiant chants of the people.

Sporadic gunfire broke out and it seemed everywhere around me. Euronews showed video of nurses and doctors chanting even at the hospitals as they treated those injured from NATO's latest installation of shock and awe. Suddenly, the streets around my hotel became full of chanting people, car horns blowing, I could not tell how many were walking, how many were driving. Inside the hotel, one Libyan woman carrying a baby came to me and asked me why are they doing this to us?

Whatever the military objectives of the attack (and I and many others question the military value of these attacks) the fact remains the air attack was launched a major city packed with hundreds of thousands of civilians.

I did wonder too if the any of the politicians who had authorized this air attack had themselves ever been on the receiving end of laser guided depleted uranium munitions. Had they ever seen the awful damage that these weapons do a city and its population? Perhaps if they actually been in the city of air attack and felt the concussion from these bombs and saw the mayhem caused they just might not be so inclined to authorize an attack on a civilian population.

I am confident that NATO would not have been so reckless with human life if they had called on to attack a major western city. Indeed, I am confident that would not be called upon ever to attack a western city. NATO only attacks (as does the US and its allies) the poor and underprivileged of the 3rd world.

Only the day before, at a women's event in Tripoli, one woman came up to me with tears in her eyes: her mother is in Benghazi and she can't get back to see if her mother is OK or not. People from the east and west of the country lived with each other, loved each other, intermarried, and now, because of NATO's "humanitarian intervention," artificial divisions are becoming hardened. NATO's recruitment of allies in eastern Libya smacks of the same strain of cold warriorism that sought to assassinate Fidel Castro and overthrow the Cuban Revolution with "homegrown" Cubans willing to commit acts of terror against their former home country. More recently, Democratic Republic of Congo has been amputated de facto after Laurent Kabila refused a request from the Clinton Administration to formally shave off the eastern part of his country. Laurent Kabila personally recounted the meeting at which this request and refusal were delivered. This plan to balkanize and amputate an African country (as has been done in Sudan) did not work because Kabila said "no" while Congolese around the world organized to protect the "territorial integrity" of their country.

I was horrified to learn that NATO allies (the Rebels) in Libya have reportedly lynched, butchered and then their darker-skinned compatriots after U.S. press reports labeled Black Libyans as "Black mercenaries." Now, tell me this, pray tell. How are you going to take Blacks out of Africa? Press reports have suggested that Americans were "surprised" to see dark-skinned people in Africa. Now, what does that tell us about them?

The sad fact, however, is that it is the Libyans themselves, who have been insulted, terrorized, lynched, and murdered as a result of the press reports that hyper-sensationalized this base ignorance. Who will be held accountable for the lives lost in the bloodletting frenzy unleashed as a result of these lies?

Which brings me back to the lady's question: why is this happening? Honestly, I could not give her the educated reasoned response that she was looking for. In my view the international public is struggling to answer "Why?".

What we do know, and what is quite clear, is this: what I experienced last night is no "humanitarian intervention."

Many suspect it is about all the oil under Libya. Call me skeptical but I have to wonder why the combined armed sea, land and air forces of NATO and the US costing billions of dollars are being arraigned against a relatively small North African country and we're expected to believe its in the defense of democracy.

What I have seen in long lines to get fuel is not "humanitarian intervention." Refusal to allow purchases of medicine for the hospitals is not "humanitarian intervention." What is most sad is that I cannot give a cogent explanation of why to people now terrified by NATO's bombs, but it is transparently clear now that NATO has exceeded its mandate, lied about its intentions, is guilty of extra-judicial killings--all in the name of "humanitarian intervention." Where is the Congress as the President exceeds his war-making authority? Where is the "Conscience of the Congress?"

For those of who disagree with Dick Cheney's warning to us to prepare for war for the next generation, please support any one who will stop this madness. Please organize and then vote for peace. People around the world need us to stand up and speak out for ourselves and them because Iran and Venezuela are also in the cross-hairs. Libyans don't need NATO helicopter gunships, smart bombs, cruise missiles, and depleted uranium to settle their differences. NATO's "humanitarian intervention" needs to be exposed for what it is with the bright, shining light of the truth.

As dusk descends on Tripoli, let me prepare myself with the local civilian population for some more NATO humanitarianism.

Stop bombing Africa and the poor of the world!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Moors? Yes we are.