How could this happen..?
Corporate “Government” Trust
Let’s consider for a minute the scenario of a Corporate Government Trust, in which the “government” plays the role of Executor. Would a “government” acting as Executor take questions from it’s Trustee? Would the “Government” create a legal entity to which you act as Trustee? Perhaps upon the registration of your birth? Do governments address you … or a LEGAL ENTITY? More importantly, does the silence of government on these questions provide the “fullest possible information” that President Kennedy spoke about??
What can we do about this..?
The first action appears to be to determine the capacity in which “Government” acts. Who are they actually serving..? This question is critical. But I don’t expect this information to be any more forthcoming of government than the answer of their legitimacy. So in the meantime, there are other things we can do in our interactions with Corporate Government.
- Some offer to accept the role of Trustee to their Corporate Government on the condition that they be paid an annual fee to be the Trustee… say $1,000,000 p.a.
- Others provide terms and conditions to their Corporate Government, which set out fees and charges applicable for acts of the pretence to real government.
Either of these two approaches would collapse if those claiming government status were able to demonstrate their legitimacy. But these actions have been shown to stop Corporate Government agencies in their tracks. Does this sound like the actions of a Trustee of the people? Or an Executor and Beneficiary of a corrupted system?
More importantly, how many challenges to the lawful validity of government have been met with the proof demanded by its people?
So what the FUQ do we do next?
- In dealings with any government representative, ask them ONE SIMPLE QUESTION: Can you please demonstrate that today’s government (the one you represent) is the same one as established at the inception of this country? It is the onus of any person or entity claiming government status to prove they act on behalf of legitimate government. Until they can demonstrate this, don’t deal with them.
- Sign the petition to ask Her Majesty, The Queen for the truth about the “Australian Government”; something all levels of the “Australian Government” have been unwilling or unable to provide.
- Share this article. The Corporate Government phenomenon is not limited just to the United States, the UK, or Australia. Increasingly, Governments around the world are behaving as Executors and Beneficiaries, not as Trustees of their people. We all have a right to know… which “Government” can we trust?
About the Author:
Scott spent 12 years working aboard luxury mega yachts for some of the richest and fussiest people on the planet. His travels took him throughout the Mediterranean, Caribbean with voyages through the Indian and Pacific Oceans and islands. Encountering Customs and Immigration formalities was commonplace as Captain. More recently Scott has worked in mining relying on his degree in project management.
With a keen eye for detail Scott has observed inconsistencies in “Government” and contributes this article from his findings.
Visit Scott’s website for more information
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