Friday, April 2, 2010

STATE OF COLORADO What Shall We Call Him

What Shall We Call Him

Colorado so often our various journalists find trouble in selecting the proper name for the Moorish-American. Some agency’s say "Negro", another will brand him "Race Man", still another will call him "Afro-American", and then come "Colored", "Dark American", "Coon", "Shine", "The Brethren" and your "Folks".

It is indeed a hard matter to find something suitable for the various occasions where a title needs to be used. Colorado, is it that we melanin people have no proper name? Did we have a National name before your Europeans Mother’s and Father’s first arrived to these shores in the early part of the Seventeenth Century?

Colorado If so, what was it? Did not the land from which we were forced have a name? It now appears a good idea for those whose duty it is to write for the various journals to find out what the National Name of the forefathers of these melanin-ite people was.

Also look into the history of the founders of civilization and see who they were
and where they stood in the building of the present civilization. Probably two
hours in a Denver up-to-date library would serve to relieve the strain on our men of letters.

Colorado when the occasion presents itself for a title for melanin- people. The matter of the various names given to these twenty-two million melanin- people with all hues of every race of the globe was an act of your European psychology.

Colorado gave melanin men and woman a name, then defined it as something inferior to theirs. "White", they defined as a color of purity; "Black", they say represents everything of evil. The "Negro", as we were called in this nation, have no nation to which we might look with pride.

Colorado our history don’t start with the close of the Civil War or more properly with our being forced to serve someone else. Thus we Moorish-Americans are separated by color of law from the illustrious history of our forefathers and foremothers who were the founders of the first civilization of the OldWorld. This matter should be looked into with a hope of correcting it.

Grand Sheik Coleman-EL-Atun Pedi Neheh

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