Friday, April 2, 2010

Colorado Listen to reason:

Colorado Listen to reason: The citizens of all Free National Governments according to their National Constitutions are of all one family bearing one Free National name. Those who fail to recognized the Free National name of their Constitutional Government are classed as undesirable or enemy of the state and are subject to all inferior names, abuses and mistreatment that the citizens care to bestow upon them and it is a sin for any group of people to violate the National Constitutional Laws of a Free National Government and to cling to the names and principles that was abolished in 1865, these corporate fictions delude to slavery.

Whereas I Grand Sheik Atun Pedi Neheh, lawfully adopted son of the Prophet was prepared by Creative Fate to again warn my people to repent from their sinful ways and to go back to the state of mind to their forefather's Divine and National Principles that they will be law abiding and receive their Divine Rights as citizens according to the Free National Constitution that was prepared for all Free National beings –Moorish Americans are ordered to claim our own Free National Name and Religion.

There is but one issue, for melanin people to be recognized by this Government and of the earth and that comes only through the connection of the Moorish Divine National Movement which is incorporated in this government and recognized by all other Nations of the World. And through it now we and their children can receive their Divine Rights, unmolested by other citizens.

Moorish Americans can cast a Free National Ballot to the polls under the Free National Constitution of the United States Government and not under a "Granted Privilege" as has been the existing condition for many generations.

You Coon, Shine, Negro, Colored, Afro- American, African American, Black Man or Black Woman who doubt whether the Prophet and his principles are right for the redemption of our people, go to those that know law, in the City Hall and among the officials in your government and ask them under intelligent tone and they will be glad to render you a favorable reply, for they are glad to see Moorish-Americans bring you out of the cares of the world of utter darkness.

Colorado, money doesn't make the man; it is free National Standards and power that makes a man and a nation. The wealth of all National Governments gold, silver and commerce belongs to the citizens alone and without our National Citizenship by name and principle, we have no true wealth. I am hereby calling on all true citizens that stand for a National Free Government and the enforcement of the Constitution, to help Nu Moorish Science Temple of America, Mir No. 09 in our great missionary work.

We need support from all true American Citizens of the United States of America to help us save our people who have fallen from the Constitutional laws of this government. We are depending on your support to get us back to
the constitutional fold again, that we may learn to LOVE instead of HATE and will live according to Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice, supporting our Free National Constitution of the United States of America.

We love our people and we desire their Unity and mine back to their own free National and Divine Standard, because day by day we have been violating the National and Constitutional laws of our government by claiming names and principles that are unconstitutional. If Italians, Greeks, English, Chinese, Japanese, Turks and Arabians are forced to proclaim their Free National Names and Religion before the constitutional government of the United States of America, it is no more than right that the law be forced upon all American citizens alike. The Prophet Noble Drew Ali taught Moorish-Americans that in all other governments when a man is born and reared there and asked his name and national descent and fails to give it, he is misused, imprisoned, or exiled. Any group of people that fails to answer up to the Constitutional Standards of law, by name and principle, because to be a citizen of any government, you must claim your National name descent; because they place their trust upon issue and names that were they formed by their forefathers.

The words prescription, n. 1. The act of establishing authoritative rules. Cf. PROSCRIPTION. 2. A rule so established. -- Also termed (archaically) prescript. 3. The effect of the lapse of time in creating and destroying rights. [Cases: Limitation of Actions 1. C.J.S. Limitations of Actions §§ 2-4.] 4. The extinction of a title or right by failure to claim or exercise it over a long period. -- Also termed negative prescription; extinctive prescription. 5. The acquisition of title to a thing (esp. an intangible thing such as the use of real property
capitis deminutio (kap-i-tis dem-i-n[y]oo-shee-oh). [Latin "reduction of status"] Roman law. A diminution or alteration of a person's legal status. -- Also spelled capitis diminutio. See DE CAPITE MINUTIS.

"Capitis deminutio is the destruction of the 'caput' or legal personality. Capitis deminutio, so to speak, wipes out the former individual and puts a new one in his place, and between the old and the new individual there is, legally speaking, nothing in common. A juristic personality may be thus destroyed in one of three ways: (1) by loss of the status libertatis. This is the capitis deminutio maxima; (2) by loss of the status civitatis. This is the capitis deminutio media (magna); (3) by severance from the agnatic family. This entails capitis deminutio minima." Rudolph Sohm, The Institutes: A Textbook of the History and System of Roman Private Law 178-79 (James Crawford Ledlie trans., 3d ed. 1907).

capitis deminutio maxima (kap-i-tis dem-i-n[y]oo-shee-oh mak-si-m ). [Latin "maximum reduction of status"] Roman law. The diminution of a person's legal status as a result of being reduced to slavery.

familia (f -mil-ee- ), n. [Latin] Roman law. 1. All persons, free and slave, in the power of a paterfamilias. See PATERFAMILIAS. 2. One's legal relations through and with one's family, including all property, ancestral privileges, and duties.

"The testator conveyed to him outright his whole 'familia,' that is, all the rights he enjoyed over and through the family; his property, his slaves, and all his ancestral privileges, together, on the other hand, with all his duties and obligations." Henry S. Maine, Ancient Law 170 (17th ed. 1901).

Every nation must bear a national descent name of their forefathers because honoring their forefathers and their mothers your days will be lengthened upon this earth. These names have now recognized by a true American citizen of this day.

Through our Free National Name we are known and are recognized by all nations of the earth that are recognized by said National Government in which we live.
Remember The 14th and 15 amendments brought the north and south in unity placing the southerner which was at that time without power with the Constitution a Body of power; and at that time 1865, the Free National Constitutional law that was enforced since 1774 declared all men equal and Through our Free National Name we are known and are recognized by all nations of the earth that are recognized by said National Government in which they live. So there isn't but one supreme issue for my people to use to redeem that which was lost and that is through the above statements. Then the lion and lamb can lie down together in yonder hills and neither will be harmed, because Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice will be ranging in this land in those days the United States will be one of the greatest civilized and prosperous governments of the world, but if the above principles are not carried out by the citizens and my people in this government, the worse is yet to come, because Creative Fate is not pleased with the work that are being performed in North America by my people and this great sin must be removed from the land to save it from enormous earth quakes, diseases, etc.

And we, Moors do hereby believe that this administration of the government being more wisely prepared by more genius citizens that believe in their Free National Constitution and laws, and through the help of such class of citizens, our Prophet, Noble Drew Ali, truly believe that his people will find the true and Divine way of their forefathers and learn to stop serving carnal customs and merely ideas of man, that has never done them any good, but has always harmed them.

Nu Moorish Science Temple of America, Mir No 09, is hereby calling aloud with a Divine plea to all true American citizens to help us remove this great sin which has been committed and is being practiced by my peoples in the United States of America; because they know it is not the true and Divine way and without understanding they have fallen from the true light into utter darkness of sin and there is not a nation on earth today that will recognized them socially, religiously, politically, and educationally, etc., in their present conditions of endeavorment in which they themselves try to force on a civilized world, they will not refrain from their sinful way of action and their deeds have brought "Jim-Crowism", "segregation" and everything that brings harm to human beings on earth.

And we fought the southerner for all these great misuses, but I have traveled in the South and have examined conditions there, and it is the works of my people continuously practicing the things which bring dishonor, disgrace, and disrespect to any nation that lives the life. And I am hereby calling on all true American citizens for moral support and finance to help me in my great missionary work in State of Colorado to bring my people out of the darkness into the marvelous light.

STATE OF COLORADO What Shall We Call Him

What Shall We Call Him

Colorado so often our various journalists find trouble in selecting the proper name for the Moorish-American. Some agency’s say "Negro", another will brand him "Race Man", still another will call him "Afro-American", and then come "Colored", "Dark American", "Coon", "Shine", "The Brethren" and your "Folks".

It is indeed a hard matter to find something suitable for the various occasions where a title needs to be used. Colorado, is it that we melanin people have no proper name? Did we have a National name before your Europeans Mother’s and Father’s first arrived to these shores in the early part of the Seventeenth Century?

Colorado If so, what was it? Did not the land from which we were forced have a name? It now appears a good idea for those whose duty it is to write for the various journals to find out what the National Name of the forefathers of these melanin-ite people was.

Also look into the history of the founders of civilization and see who they were
and where they stood in the building of the present civilization. Probably two
hours in a Denver up-to-date library would serve to relieve the strain on our men of letters.

Colorado when the occasion presents itself for a title for melanin- people. The matter of the various names given to these twenty-two million melanin- people with all hues of every race of the globe was an act of your European psychology.

Colorado gave melanin men and woman a name, then defined it as something inferior to theirs. "White", they defined as a color of purity; "Black", they say represents everything of evil. The "Negro", as we were called in this nation, have no nation to which we might look with pride.

Colorado our history don’t start with the close of the Civil War or more properly with our being forced to serve someone else. Thus we Moorish-Americans are separated by color of law from the illustrious history of our forefathers and foremothers who were the founders of the first civilization of the OldWorld. This matter should be looked into with a hope of correcting it.

Grand Sheik Coleman-EL-Atun Pedi Neheh